Phone Calls - Surface Season 1 Episode 4
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Sophie sits on the beach as she remembers the beach when she was a child with her mom. Baden joins her, and she tells him about her mom's illness.

Harrison tells James he got a loan to cover some of the stolen money. While the two go out for lunch, Todd sneaks into James's office to copy the files from his computer for Baden.

After Baden leaves Sophie at his place to retrieve the information from Todd, Sophie steals pills from his medicine cabinet.

After the files fail to yield anything Baden can use, Todd tells him that James also has a laptop.

Sophie and James prepare to attend Caroline's gala, and James tells her that she has been acting erratically before Sophie admits she knows about the affair. Sophie proceeds to take the pills she took from Baden before leaving.

Baden calls Sophie and asks her to disable the alarm at her home so he can get information off the laptop. Sophie is able to hijack Jame's phone long enough to do so, and Baden gets inside the house.

While at the gala, Sophie increasingly loses touch with reality as she imagines herself by a shimmering lake and sees herself within a painting. She eventually leaves and heads to the lounge she used to frequent. There she has a conversation with the woman she keeps getting flashes of before snapping out of her trip when the woman's face is covered in blood.

Sophie sees the woman again at a club with her face covered in blood and leaves to walk around the city.

James goes home looking for Sophie, and Baden narrowly avoids being caught. Baden gets into James's laptop and discovers that the day before Sophie's accident, James sent 3.1 million to a bank in Tess's name.

After leaving to search the streets for Sophie, James comes home and is confronted by Baden. The two then sit outside and wait for Sophie to come home.

Sophie finds herself at the pier near the ferry, where she seemingly jumps in. The following day she wakes and walks home, ignoring Baden and going into her home with James. She asks him if the embezzlement was him covering for Sophie, and he tells her it was.

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Surface Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Pretty soon, this will all be over. And all you have to do is be yourself.

Baden [to Sophie]

Baden: There's nothing wrong with you, Sophie.
Sophie: But what if there is? What if this is something that's always been in me?
Baden: You decide who you are.
Sophie: Yeah, I hope you're right.