Rebecca on a Boat - Ted Lasso
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The team are beaten 5-0 in Amsterdam and their spirits are low.

Ted tells the team there's no curfew and that they need to meet on the bus the next day by 10 am.

Everyone has plans for the night, but things take a turn for Colin when he hears the boys want to go to a sex party.

He says he's staying in and sneaks out the hotel. Crimm follows him and they wind up at a gay bar.

Colin leaves but Crimm tells him he knows about his sexuality.

The pair have a heart-to-heart, with Colin telling him he has this ache inside that he thinks will be solved if he has a love interest.

Crimm tells him he came out late in life, after he got married and had kids. The pair party the night away.

Beard makes marijuana-infused tea and Ted is not ready to try it. Beard leaves and Ted takes it before going out to a Van Gogh museum and a restaurant, but the restaurant is supposed to be a taste of the midwest.

Instead, it's an inauthentic experience, but Ted starts to think about the rules of the triangle.

He then creates a new formation and plan to keep the team in good spirits.

Jamie and Roy go in search of windmills as they reel from the news that Keeley has a girlfriend.

They make it a bonding experience and Jamie teaches Roy how to ride a bike. It's brilliant!

Rebecca is on the phone to Sassy and finds herself falling in the canal. A man takes her on to his boat and dries her clothes.

She stays the night, they have dinner et al, but Rebecca asks if they slept together. He says no, but once she leaves he says that they did.

Back at the bus, everyone is ready to go back to England and they break into song.

Ted Lasso
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Ted Lasso Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

Trent: And that was the second time I came out to her. This time, however, she believed me. And now... we're closer than ever.
Colin: And your daughter?
Trent: Yeah. She's never been happier. My point is, it was really difficult to hold on to that secret. But I'm not a professional athlete. How do you do it?
Colin: Well... my whole life is two lives really. You got my work life. Like, no one at the club knows. I'd... I'd like to think they wouldn't care, but... it's just easier that way. Then you got my dating life. Some guys think it's hot. Others say they don't care, but eventually they get tired and they move on. Then the club brought in Dr. Sharon... and she helped me realize that I have... an ache. An ache for both my lives to be my only life. I don't want to be a spokesperson. I don't want a bunch of apologies. All I want is for when we win a match, to be able to kiss my fella the same way the guys get to kiss their girls. And I know we can't fix every ache inside of us. But I shouldn't have to pretend it's not there either.

Colin: How'd you know? About me?
Trent: Well, I used my Holmesian powers of journalistic deduction. Saw you kissing a guy outside Sam's restaurant.
Colin: Ah. Yeah.