Teen Mom Season 5

"Season 5 Finale Special: Check Up With Dr. Drew Part 2"

Jenelle talks about her abortion, her pregnancy and her relationship with Nathan and Dr. Drew examines Chelsea's relationship on the conclusion of the season 5 finale of Teen Mom 2.

"Season 5B Finale Special - Check Up with Dr. Drew Part 1"

Dr. Drew sits down with the Teen Mom 2 cast for this special reunion special. We learned a lot about the young women in this finale of Season 5.

"All Grown Up"

On this episode of Teen Mom 2, Kailyn is reunited with Isaac. In another storyline, meanwhile, Adam goes to prison.

"Wish You Were Here"

Kailyn and Javi adjust to life without Isaac, Adam gets arrested and Leah and Corey finally face off in court on Teen Mom 2. Talk about drama!


Isaac heads off for summer visitation and Jenelle's second son is born on Teen Mom 2.

"Summer Daze; Summertime Sadness"

Chelsea meets Adam's new girlfriend while Kailyn and Jo argue over Isaac's visitation schedule on Teen Mom 2.

"Cabin Fever"

Jenelle and Barbara go head to head over Jace's behavioral issues while Leah takes Corey to court on Teen Mom 2.

"Bad Behavior"

Kailyn struggles to explain Javi's absence to Isaac and elswhere, Adam is arrested on Teen Mom 2.

"Family Matters"

Jenelle starts the divorce process, Kailyn's mom turns back up and Chelsea faces off with Adam on Teen Mom 2.

"I'll Be Missing You"

When Javi heads off on a trip for work, Kailyn becomes lonely. Nathan and Jenelle reunite while Leah and Jeremy see Ali's specialist on Teen Mom 2.

"Harder Than It Looks"

Jeremy and Leah argue over money, Kailyn celebrates her birthday and Jenelle struggles with Jace on Teen Mom 2.


Chelsea sits down with an attorney, Leah starts taking medication for her anxiety, and Kailyn and Javi visit Joe and Vee on Teen Mom 2.

"When Everything Seems Wrong"

It's Isaac's birthday and Kailyn invites Jo and Vee to the party while Chelsea moves into her new home on Teen Mom 2.

"Keep It Together"

Jenelle learns the sex of her baby while Kailyn struggles to keep her marriage together and Chelsea gets unexpected news on Teen Mom 2.

"That's the Way Love Goes"

Leah figures out what has caused Ali's muscular dystrophy, Javi goes back to work and Jo gets a new apartment on Teen Mom 2.

"What You See Is Not What You Get"

Nathan gets arrested and Kailyn's baby is born on Teen Mom 2.

"Out of the Blue"

Javi takes Issac over to Jo's. Jenelle and Nathan get exciting news. Ali tests out her new wheelchair on Teen Mom 2.

"We Belong Together"

Kailyn and Javi celebrate their wedding while Chelsea gets a job on Teen Mom 2.

"Miss You Much"

When she realizes that her mother won't be at her wedding, Kailyn has a breakdown on Teen Mom 2.


On Teen Mom 2 this week, Adam upsets Chelsea with a visitation request and Jenelle undergoes surgery.

"These Are the Days"

Jenelle talks about a plea bargain with her attorney while Kailyn has a meltdown on Teen Mom 2.

"False Positives"

Kaitlyn and Jo end up in court while Chelsea throws a party for Aubree's fourth birthday on Teen Mom 2.

"You Got Me"

It's Chelsea's 22nd birthday. Kaitlyn gets ready for her wedding and Nathan and Jenelle decide to have another baby on Teen Mom 2.

"Working Overtime"

Javi and Kailyn try to buy a house in Delaware while Jenelle moves in with Nathan on Teen Mom 2.

"Keep Your Head Up"

Jenelle moves in with her newest boyfriend Issac's schedule causes arguments between Jo and Kailyn on Teen Mom 2.

"Love Will Never Do Without You"

Chelsea begins beauty school while Jenelle meets a new guy on a dating site and Leah heads off on vacation on Teen Mom 2.


Jenelle makes a major decision to kick off Teen Mom 2 Season 5. Elsewhere, Kailyn has her baby shower.

Teen Mom
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