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Clarke and Josephine don't have much time left before her body gives out. She starts to seize up so Josephine takes control so she can save the body. Instead their mind space ends up in danger and they have to start removing Josephine's memories, with her reflecting on her time with Gabriel. Clarke's body gets stuck and Gabriel with Octavia end up saving the day. 

They find her body and are about to move it when Jade and the guards show up. Bellamy ends up hiding among them and takes them out, and they end up going with Clarke's body to Gabriel's home. They take out the mind drive and need to stop Clarke's heart but it seems like two people in one brain can't bring Clarke back, with Josephine staying in the mesh.

Bellamy refuses to accept it and performs CPR and pushes Clarke to come back to life and fight back against Josephine. She kills her and returns to Bellamy.

Abby finds out about Clarke and is angry with Murphy. All of them are prisoners who Russell thinks need to pay for Josephine getting taken. They must choose but after Ryker tells everyone the truth about Primes at the push of Echo, Simone ends up killed. That makes Russell angry and he decides to kill them all by burning them.

They convince him not to, saying they can make nightblood to speed up Simone's return. They just need bone marrow from a nightblood. Russell won't allow it from him and says it will come from Madi. Raven agrees because with Madi getting darker from the Dark Commander's control, she thinks she can reverse the flame code to remove him so they need access to the Sanctum computers. 

The 100
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The 100 Season 6 Episode 10 Quotes

Bellamy: Clarke, I need you.
Octavia: Bellamy, she’s gone.
Bellamy: No, she’s not! Wake up, Clarke! Come on! I’m not letting you go. You’re a fighter. Now get up and fight!

Gabriel: We can't do this forever.
Josephine: Why not? That's how long I will love you for.