Making Choices - The Alienist: Angel of Darkness
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John and Sara go to a Brooklyn police station to dig into Libby's background. Byrnes hopes to buy back the baby from Goo-Goo Knox and doesn't care about arresting Libby or Knox. Sara discovers Libby was committed to an asylum for attempted murder of her mother. A duster relays Byrnes' offer to Knox. John and Sara are wrestling with their feelings for each other. The team and Byrnes interview Libby's mother Mallory. Kreizler accuses Mallory of making up a story about Libby attacking her with a knife so that the Children's Aid Society would take Libby's daughter. His theory is that Libby has come back to Brooklyn looking for her daughter. Knox tells Libby that they can sail away if they give up the baby. She refuses but he takes the baby anyway. Byrnes proposes luring out Libby with news of her real daughter Clara, setting up a photoshoot. Knox returns to Libby with the baby. She attacks him with a knife but he subdues her. Libby sees the article about Clara in The Journal. John confronts Hearst, who brings up Violet instead. Hearst expects him to break things off with Sara. Libby sends a decoy into the trap to deliver a message: A bullet. Libby lingers too long to see Clara and is spotted. Doyle tracks her down. But he turns his back and she slits his throat. Karen agrees to run Kreizler's institute during his suspension. Frustrated by his phone conversation with Sara, John goes to Violet's family dinner. Libby, armed with Doyle's gun, arrives at Sara's office. Sara negotiates with her. John crashes into Libby just as she is about to shoot Sara. Sara grabs a gun but Libby gains an advantage and holds a knife to John's throat. 

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness
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The Alienist: Angel of Darkness Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Alice: So you like to watch?
Kreizler: Observation is the best form of instruction.
Karen: Next to practice, of course.

John: What do you suppose he's up to?
Sara: Byrnes? Drawing blood all over the city, no doubt. Why engage in police work when violence and intimidation will suffice?