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Betty is trying to buy a dress while her husband is gone. Later, a private detective shows up to see Marge, asking her about her first marriage.

Betty asks Louise for advice about how to keep calm while during her husband’s launch, and Louise tells her to try and keep her mind off her feelings.

Marge offers the detective money not to run the story about her other marriage. Instead, he tells her to get him a story on one of the astronauts.

Duncan talks with Annie and John Glenn about her stuttering problem, saying they need to prepare for the public relationships problems it may cause.

Betty tells Gus all the reasons she loves him and appreciates him.

The wives show up to Betty’s house with food before the launch, as reporters stand outside.

The ladies watch as the shuttle launches. It seems successful at first, but then Gus apparently opens the hatch early in the water, and it begins to fill up. Still, he makes it out safe.

Betty goes outside to greet the reporters and make a statement. She’s composed until they begin asking her tough questions.

Marge sees Duncan, and tells him her secret of being divorced. He tells her not to worry, and he’ll take care of it.

Trudy goes with her husband to fly, and they argue about whether or not she should go first.

Betty and Gus go for a drive, and he breaks the news that they aren’t invited to The White House. There will also be an investigation.

The next astronaut in space will be John Glenn, and they hope he will orbit. The ladies gather again, but then there’s a failure to launch because of the weather.

The Vice President calls and wants to visit Annie and film them talking, but Annie is nervous because of her stuttering. Her husband tells her not to let him in, despite that fact that he’s being told if he doesn’t convince her then we won’t be on the next launch. The other astronauts ban together and refuse to take his place, though. He finally takes off and orbits the earth successfully.

Gus shows Betty footage that wasn’t put on the news, which shows him in danger as his shuttle was trying to be saved. He nearly drowned. Annie sees to it that all the couples get to be a part of the parade.

Deke comes home angry, and says he’s been grounded. Marge asks why, but we don’t find out the answer just yet.

The Astronaut Wives Club
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The Astronaut Wives Club Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Gus, if it were me in your shoes, and you believed me, that's all that would matter. The investigation, NASA, the press... that's nothing compared to you and me.


A woman who knows when to shut up. America will love me.
