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It's a battle for a one-on-one date with DeAnna and a tough one at that.

The guys had to write and perform their own song, which made many of them nervous. Graham summed it up best, saying that he’d “rather eat glass.”

The songs ranged from bad to worse, but provided entertainment. Despite only singing one note in his song, Jesse was chosen by DeAnna Pappas.

Jesse receives a suit and tickets to a private event with DeAnna featuring a private serenade. They enjoy a candlelight dinner at a theater.

He basically asks for the rose and she hands it over.

Brian, Twilley, Sean, Jeremy, Graham, and Jason are invited on the group date tonight. They head to the race track and one by one, the guys take a lap and try to get the best speed and time.

Despite his motion sickness, Twilley does well but is ultimately beaten out by Sean. During his time with DeAnna, Sean says that he feels a boost in confidence because they’re both from small towns.

Jeremy steals DeAnna Pappas away for a few minutes but she is quickly taken away by Graham. DeAnna asks for a kiss but Graham turns her down.

DeAnna ends the group date by giving Sean a rose.

The guys have a party down at the outhouse and invite DeAnna Pappas for a laid back afternoon. What seemed like a fun afternoon went terribly wrong.

Robert threw a temper tantrum and Graham avoided DeAnna. At one point, DeAnna said like she felt like she didn’t even fit in.

She goes to find Robert, who says somebody told him that he would be the next one to go home. She comes outside, blows up at the guys and leaves.

The dates must go on. Fred and Robert find out that they’ll be going on a two on one date and only one of them will be returning to the house.

Robert tries to kiss DeAnna during a moment alone, but she gives him the cold shoulder. Fred pulls her aside and tries to really open up to her.

DeAnna sends Robert home, for his behavior over the last few days and for a lack of connection. In the limo, he says he's destroyed by what happened. She turns around and sends Fred home too, saying she can't lead him on.

When she gets home, Jason is waiting with open arms to listen.

At the cocktail party, everybody tries to make one last impression before the roses are handed out. DeAnna lets loose by asking all the guys to change into their swimsuits for a late night swim.

At the ceremony, she gives roses to Jason, Jeremy, Twilley, and Graham.

She sends Brian home without much of an explanation.

And then there were six.

Tune in next week for an exciting new episode of The Bachelorette.

The Bachelorette
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