The Challenge All Stars Season 1 Cast - The Challenge: All Stars
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22 returning challengers unite for a common goal: win $500,000.

Unfortunately for them, that meant taking each other out of the game.

Jisela and Latteria are immediately elected team captains and have to choose a team to fight against each other.

In the end, Jisela's team wins and she is given a Life Saver, allowing her to save someone she wants from elimination.

Latterria is immediately thrown in due to his team losing and he starts scheming to get a bigger target out.

He asks for Ace, who is upset when everyone votes him in.

Ace puts it aside to take part in a 90s party with everyone.

The next day, the elimination arrives and it's a good 'ole pole wrestle. As expected, Latterria steamrolls and beats Ace.

Ace is the first elimination.

We are then teased with a look further into the competition and someone quits the game.

The Challenge: All Stars
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The Challenge: All Stars Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

I don't kiss ass, I kick ass, and if you don't watch it, I'll kick your ass.


Back in my day, the stakes weren't this high. These people before would kill each other for a scooter. I don't know what they're going to do for half a million dollars.
