The Changeling News

The Changeling Details

A fairy tale for grown-ups. A horror story, a parenthood fable and a perilous odyssey through a New York City you didn’t know existed.

Apple TV+
Number of Episodes
Start Date
Clark Backo, LaKeith Stanfield

The Changeling Quotes

If Emma Valentine thought Apollo Kagwa would give up this easily, she was mistaken. But to understand why and how in the world, we must first go back. Way back.


Customer: Hello! Hello! I am in distress! This is dire! I am in need of a toilet! Emmy: Listen to my voice. Can you hear me?
Customer: I got ears, don't I? Look.
Emmy: Well, you see I have ears too, so why are you yelling? I need a piece of ID before I give you the bathroom key.
Customer: I don't have ID.
Emmy: Leave your bags here with me.
Customer: These contain state secrets!
Emmy: Okay.