Cora Dressed Up - The Essex Serpent
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The townsfolk hunt for the girl Naomi, and Matthew thinks she''ll be dead.

Will tells her father that they haven't found anything, but he's worried she'll end up like Gracie.

Stella is still quite sick and she coughs up blood.

Stella finally tells Will that she's sick, and reveals that she's getting worse and has been trying to hide it.

She wants to take the whole family to London.

Cora is depressed back at home, and refuses tea from her maid.

Martha and her son worry for her.

The Society wants to hear from Cora, as Martha wrote to them in her name.

She heads to the university and brings her son along because he misses seeing her.

The professor she meets with is impressed with her discovery of the bone.

He tells her that she needs to go back to Essex and find more, and that he wants her to find more.

She doesn't want to go back, but Frankie, her son, does.

Martha introduced Cora to Sally, the sister to the injured man.

Martha doesn't want Cora to go back to Essex, but Cora ends up being angry at her for forcing her to go out.

They end up having a fight, and Martha storms out.

Martha and Spencer have a chat about power and her power with Cora.

As Will and his family plan to leave, John, his son, reveal that there's blood on the boats.

It's the blood crosses that Matthew painted on everything to "protect" the village.

Stella gets a check-up from Dr. Luke, and Will realizes the real danger of her illness.

Dr. Luke reveals that it's Tuberculosis.

He reveals that there is surgery but that it has never been done successfully.

Stella chooses not to get treated after Will yells at the doctor.

She and will have an emotional conversation about her life and how she doesn't want to waste it.

They head to the museum to take a look at the new whale exhibit, where Will spots Cora. from across the gallery.

They run into each other and have a tense, cold conversation.

He calls her Mrs., which leaves her feeling a bit cold.

When Will and his family return, Jo tries to find Naomi.

Luke and Cora have a meeting for the first time since her return from Essex.

She gives back the necklace that he gave her.

Cora and Martha make up a bit, and Martha heads to Luke's to pick him up.

Luke is completely hungover, but Martha still forces him out.

Cora and Martha teach Luke and the other man about what the way of life is in the slums.

Luke takes Martha's side, and the man, Charles, finally comes around to see if he can draw up a bill to help.

Cora goes out with Luke to the event in his honor.

She pretends to be his wife.

Luke claims that he loves her and wants to marry her.

They have an emotional conversation that leaves her angry at him, and he tells her that Stella is dying.

They have a fight, and Cora storms out.

Luke leaves the party without giving his speech.

Martha and Cora have an argument about Martha's life at her house and how she's wasted, and storms out.

Cora smashes things in her house.

Luke gets jumped in an alley, and aggressively beat up. He gets stabbed in his dominant hand.

Will renounces his sins over a fire.

The Essex Serpent
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