Julius, Diane, and Liz long - The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 8
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Julius swings by Wackner's court and ends up parking in a purple zone, dedicated for court staff only.

Julius gets ticketed but after he rips them up, his car gets towed.

Julius then steals a stickerbook to get his car back but gets arrested for the theft and finds himself on trial.

At the while, the focus group for Del's reality show about Wackner want to see bigger cases and a more explosive judge.

Del delivers this news to Wacker, who makes a big show out of Julius's arrest and trial, eventually sentencing him to prison.

Afterward, Liz and Diane no longer want to represent Wackner, but he refuses to be let go.

Julius goes to David Cord for funding for his new law firm, but David Cord will only consider it if Diane is on board.

Julius convinces Diane to think about it, and David Lee and Liz later find out Diane is considering leaving.

Diane and Liz talk about hiring a new name partner, and Diane has the idea, with the "help" of a hallucination of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, to reach out Allegra Durado.

Allegra goes to talk to Liz, and Liz learns of Diane's manipulation, but Allegra promises to only be swayed by the facts.

The firm hires her as a name partner.

The Good Fight
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The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 8 Quotes

David Lee: Ok, that’s it, stop. Both of you go to my desk.
Diane: What?
David Lee: I said go to my desk, both of you.
Liz: Are you going to spank us?
David Lee: Stand on both sides of my desk now.
Liz: Is this some sort of trust exercise?
David Lee: Yes, grab both ends on three, pick it up and carry it the fuck down into your office Liz because if you don't solve your differences in the next 24 hours, I'm coming to live and work with you, and you don't want me down there solving your problems for you. Do you understand?

Marissa: What are you doing prosecuting Julius Cain?
Wackner: What am I doing? My job.
Marissa: But he's from our firm. S
Wackner: So?
Marissa; So it's bullshit. Let him go.
Wackner: No. You're the one that accused me of bending justice to give Del that happy ending he was looking for.
Marissa: This is different.
Wackner: How?
Marissa: Because he’s from your law firm.
Wackner: More the reason not to bend the rules for him.
Marissa: Oh my god, when did you become some person you become?