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Dean is making love to a woman while watching an episode of the show. 

Ethan asks his parents if he can bring a girl over to watch a movie. Lizzie is mad that he's allowed to date and she's not. 

Dean worries he'll never find love because women only want him because of the show. 

Deb tells Stewart they should set Dean up with someone from before he was famous to help him find love and move out of their house.

Stewart brings Dean's ex-girlfriend from high school, Gale, to the firm. Dean finds out she hasn't seen the show. 

Deb wonders if they're being unfair to Lizzie. 

Dean asks for a couple days off to take Gale out of town and Stewart is happy to have such a productive week. 

Dean tells everyone that Gale has a son from a previous marriage that she wants him to meet. 

Dean agrees that Lizzie deserves equal treatment. Stewart lets them all watch a movie together. They catch Ethan making out with his date. 

Stewart and Deb have dinner at Gale's house with her and Dean. They found out her son Toby is an adult. 

Gale quotes the Grinder and Dean realizes she's seen the show after all. They break up to Stewart's dismay. 




The Grinder
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The Grinder Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Dean: These women don't want to make love to me, they want to have a filthy one night stand with the Grinder so they can tell their friends about it.
Stewart: What a nightmare that must be for you.

Deb: Think about it, every woman he ever meets he has to wonder if she only likes him because he's famous.
Stewart: Oh that's not true, I'm sure a lot of women like him because he's absurdly handsome and rich.