A Stunning Confrontation - The Handmaid's Tale
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The handmaids are traveling with all of the others in society for the communal baptism of all of their children born.

Janine giggles when she gets searched. She's excited to see Angela again.

June just discovers that OfMatthew has delivered children. Not one, but three. That shines her light upon her.

June recalls Hannah's baptism with family and friends. Holly didn't think Hannah needed to be baptised by a bunch of child molesters and urges June to cancel.

One baptism is done out of love while the other is done out of obligation.

In Canada, Emily is on her way to reunite with Sylvia. The two meet in a crowded street.

Aunt Lydia remind the girls to be good before they get to the Putnams' house for the baptism celebration. Mrs. Putnam thanks June for saving Angela that day on the bridge and reluctantly blessed Janine.

Mrs. Putnam tells everyone to make themselves at home, but she stops Aunt Lydia at the parlor. That's not the room for them.

Serena didn't attend the dedication because she didn't want to be a distraction. June reminds her the women look up to her. Serena says half of them abandoned her. June says half of them didn't.

Serena wonders if June regrets not leaving. No, there's still hope for Hannah is she's here. Serena can't say the same for Nicole.

Fred greets Serena, but she dodges his touch.

Emily and Sylvia admit their reunion is awkward. Sylvia shows Emily their son's room where he has posted drawings of Emily fighting to get back home to them.

Oliver and Emily meet again. It's very sweet.

Janine talks with Aunt Lydia. She's very sorry about what happened to her. Aunt Lydia has a chip on her shoulder.

Fred and June get a moment to chat about things, including Serena. He wants to get on with things, together. June wonders if that's what he wants and if it's the same as what his wife wants. She's being distant. "You know how she can be," he tells June. She lands on stubborn.

June shares her information with Serena. Serena ultimately offers her a cigarette, and the two lean back smoking in the sunroom.

Emily and Sylvia continue their visit with Oliver. Oliver gets embarrassed when Sylvia notes he pees. He'd like Emily to read him his bedtime story instead of Sylvia.

Angela is awake, and everyone coos over the baby. Another Commander comments to Fred that smart girls are trouble.

When Mrs. Putnam tries to give the baby to Serena, Serena balks. Janine asks to hold the baby, and Mrs. Putnam acquiesces. It's a lovely moment, and Janine gives the baby back.

Except Janine wants to give them another baby, and the mere suggestion pushes Aunt Lydia over the edge. In front of everyone, she begins pounding Janine with her club. When they pull Janine away, Aunt Lydia looks around as if she's dazed offering her deepest apologies.

June appeals to Serena with her eyes from the floor to where she was pushed.

June and Serena talk.

Before they leave, June hears noise from the outside world emaniting from the other room. She hovers until called in to identify her husband as the man who has Holly Nicole.

Moira and Luke are getting Holly Nicole baptised in Canada.


The Handmaid's Tale
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The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Girls! Our most blessed handmaids have given us God's children. They have earned the best view.

Aunt Lydia

We come together in peace to celebrate the babies born in our district. We dedicate ourselves and our children to God. It takes a village -- and machine guns. Who among them can be persuaded? Who can be turned, ignited to burn this shit place to the ground?

June [in her head]