Partners In Crime - The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 13
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Through flashbacks, we were able to see June's first moments in Gilead after being captured. June is forced into a cage with a group of women. She spots a guard and pleads with him for help regarding her daughter, but he tells her to be quiet. The women are loaded onto a truck, and that is when June first met Janine. She is forced onto the truck screaming and threatening to sue, but June takes her by the arm and tells her to be quiet. In the present June is walking with a guard and as the other handmaids walk by, they drop bars of soap into her bag. She comes across Aunt Lydia, who witnesses Janine behaving excitedly. Aunt Lydia stops June and questions her and June dismisses it as Janine just being Janine. Aunt Lydia can tell that something suspicious is going on, so she gives June a warning about putting the other girls in danger. Back at the Lawrence household June, Beth, and Sienna busy themselves with preparing food and water to go in backpacks for the children. Commander Lawrence informs June that he has scheduled a meeting to draw attention away from his house. As June is greasing the gate outside to prevent squeaking, a Martha named Maggie arrives with a young girl. In Canada, Mr. Tuello meets with Serena, and she lets him know that she gave up her rights to be with her daughter. He gives her a badge and tells her that she will be allowed to leave soon to explore and find a new place to settle down. As June is tending to the young girls' wound, she quizzes June on what life will be like outside of Gilead. Maggie decides that she wants to leave and take the girl, Rebecca, back home. Maggie says that she will tell Rebecca's mother the truth and she will understand. June gets a gun and tells Maggie that she cannot leave. June grabs Rebecca and Maggie makes a run for it. June goes after her, but she gets away. When June turns back, she is pointing the gun directly at Rebeccas face. Beth shields the scared girl while June attempts to calm herself down. Commander Lawrence returns home to find June sitting at the kitchen table with her head down and the gun resting on the table in front of her. He attempts to put a stop to her rescue mission, but she will not budge. June lets him know that he is no longer the one in charge, but that she is. Fred informs Mr. Tuello of Serena's involvement in having Nick impregnate June. As Serena is visiting with Nichole, Mr. Tuello arrives and has the baby removed from her arms before placing her under arrest for her crimes. As the Marthas start showing up to the Lawrence household with the children, June, and the others trek through the woods tying white strips of fabric to the trees to lead the way to the airport once they're all ready. They return to find more than fifty-two children gathered around commander Lawrence as he reads them a story. Janine arrives to let June know that the Martha has been found two miles away and the guards are searching for the child. June informs everyone that its time to go. She shares a goodbye with Commander Lawrence and departs. They arrive at the airport at the same time as two guards. June decides to distract them so the others can get away. Just as she was about to reveal herself, the other handmaids and Marthas join her. They throw stones at the guards and manage to knock one of them unconscious. The remaining guard shoots at them as Rita makes her way to the airplane with the children following behind. June reveals herself to draw attention away from the others so that they can escape and the guard chases her through the woods. He shoots her in the side, and she crashes to the ground. As he approaches, she removes the gun stashed in her boot and shoots him. With her weapon aimed at him, she instructs him to get on his radio and let the other guards know that everything was clear. She then shoots him and collapses to the ground. She looks up to see the airplane flying over. Rita and the children arrive in Canada and are greeted by Moira, Luke, and Emily. Rebecca is reunited with her father while Luke eyes the departing passengers anxiously hoping Hannah is onboard. Rita meets Luke and lets him know that June is responsible for everything.     

The Handmaid's Tale
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The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 13 Quotes

Ruthless. I remember thinking they are fucking ruthless. Where does it come from? This talent for ruthlessness. Seems so easy for them. For these men, for men like these. That show they won I suppose. It isn't about being right or having the people or God on your side. It isn't anything that grandiose. In the end, victory goes to the hardest heart. To the ruthless go the spoils. Fifty-two kids will be brought to the Lawrence house after sunset. We will move in darkness. We can hide in the dark at least. We have a chance at least. If there is actually a Martha network. If this all isn't a trap set by the eyes, I will get the children to the airport. The plane leaves at midnight. Because I am ruthless.


Rebecca: Do you know what it's like? Out?
June: Well, its like things were before Gilead.
Rebecca: I don't remember before.
June: You'll be free. You can wear whatever you want. No one's gonna hurt you for reading, or tell you what to think, or who to love, or what to believe in. And you know you don't have to be a wife or a mother if you don't want to.
Rebecca: Then, what would I be?
June: You.
Rebecca: Will God still love me, then?
June: Yes.