The Real Deal - The Irrational Season 1 Episode 7
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Kylie and Marisa grab dinner, but the affair is awkward because of the divorce.

The client is a woman in the middle of a divorce who discovers that a painting -- The Orchard -- her ex-husband gave her is a fake.

Mercer and Rose visit the seller's gallery, who claims the painting is authentic, but think he is lying when he refuses to repurchase it.

Mercer and Rose stake out the gallery and see someone attack Henry. They rush in and find him dead.

They talk to the detective in charge of the murder case, and he asks that they stay in touch.

Mercer asks Phoebe and Rizwan to conduct an experiment.

An expert authenticates the painting and maintains it's fake. They learn that a buyer called Mr Z bought the original painting, but he's dangerous.

Mercer and Rose learn that Mr Z is a money launderer.

They grab takeout and talk about Rose's past in a lecture hall.

Mr. Z's people find them and take them to Mr. Z. She's a woman.

She asks them to stop looking into her business.

Marisa visits Kylie, who realizes Marisa is feeling some way about Mercer's date.

Mercer and Rose's 24 hours end, but they agree to a second date.

Rose and Mercer find Henry's secret forgery room.

Someone broke into Blair's house, but they didn't steal anything.

Rose and Mercer visit Bridget, a known forger, but find her father, who says she died of cancer. He tells them of an accomplice of Henry's who found clients.

Mercer comes up with a plan to catch the killer, driven by sentimental reasons to track down Phoebe's work.

They catch Evan, the art expert, who admits he is in love with Bridget.

The client gives Rose and Mercer the painting.

Marisa and Kylie make up after having a heart-to-heart.

Rose heads to Paris for a job and promises to go out with Mercer after she returns.

The Irrational
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The Irrational Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Marisa: You were right. I wasn't being real with you, which is stupid because we always got along because we weren't afraid to be honest with each other.
Kylie: I know. I told you I was Queer before anyone else in the family.
Marisa: We need to be ourselves again.
Kylie: I'm mad, Marisa. Without warning, just poof, you left us.
Marisa: I left my marriage. I didn't leave you. I love Alec. I will always love Alec. That's not the same as being married to him. I need to find out who I am without him.
Kylie: OK, I get that
Marisa: We were family. You were the closest thing I had to a sister, and you just stopped talking to me. I missed this.

Sentimental value is driving the killer to extreme measures violent, and they won't stop until they get one of Bridget's arts in their hands.
