Intense Reunion - The Last of Us
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Joel and Ellie are in an older couple's house in the middle of nowhere.

A man returns and Joel aims a gun at him. It's a husband and wife who rushed out of the city before the world fell.

And now, they're together, despite having some deeply rooted resentment issues.

Joel uses his map trick to find out where they are and when he realizes the couple are fine, he talks to them.

Joel and Ellie then leave and hit the road, where they are swarmed by a group.

A dog checks if they are infected -- even Ellie gets the pass.

When Joel says his name, Maria realizes it's her boyfriend's brother and brings the pair into the compound.

Joel and Tommy reunite but they both have some things to say about the past.

Joel tells Tommy about Ellie and how he needs him to take her to the fireflies.

Joel recognizes they both did some bad things but Tommy says that most of it was thanks to Joel.

Maria takes Ellie to the movies after cutting her hair and giving her a jacket. She tells Ellie to be mindful who she puts her trust in, and that there are things about Joel she doesn't know.

Ellie counters that the same can be said for Tommy.

Maria accidentally tells Ellie about Sarah.

Joel tells Tommy that he's worried Ellie is harmed while on the road and in his care, pushing Tommy to accept the mission.

Ellie hears about it and is livid. She's built this bond with Joel, and he's willing to throw it away.

In the end, Joel decides to follow through with the mission.

He and Ellie leave the community and get back on the road, where they find the campus.

Monkeys are running rampant and just when they make a break, they see four men at their horse.

When they go down, the men attack them and Joel winds up stabbed. Ellie shoots at them and the two escape, but Joel falls off the horse because he's losing blood.

Ellie says that she can't do this without him.

The Last of Us
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The Last of Us Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Who's this little psycho?


Maria: You should be mindful of who you put your trust in. There's a lot you don't know about Joel.
Ellie: The same can be said for Tommy.
Maria: Fair.

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