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The team investigates when they witness a young woman seemingly suffer the effects of a car accident, only she wasn't actually hit by a car. They learn that a young man had something similar happen: he apparently had a drug overdose, only he never took any drugs.

They connect them and other victims to a Club Effigy, a popular place for the self-absorbed to hang out. The team goes clubbing and figure out that there is a connection to the photographs being displayed on screens in the club.

Jake and Ezekiel manage to save the next victim using an improvised defibrillator, and they discover that the person responsible for it all is none other than Dorian Gray, who is using the photos of other people to direct his "sins" onto them.

They find Dorian Gray at the club, but he's linked his fate to Cassandra, so they can't hurt him without hurting her. Eve has Ezekiel switch Cassandra's photo with her own, and takes on Dorian while Ezekiel comes up with a more permanent solution.

They defeat Dorian by turning his photo mosiac of himself made up of photos of other people into a photo mosiac of Eve made up of photos of Dorian.

The Librarians
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The Librarians Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Eve: Are you drunk?!
Cassandra: Is drunk when your body is a marshmallow and your head feels like a bowling ball?

Jake: What've you got against Americans?
Door Guard: You think you're better than everyone else, for one!
Jake: It's kinda a known thing, though, isn't it? I mean, that's just *true*, it's not really an opinion!