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The gang awake to find Christmas has come early and everyone receives gifts from Santa, including Alice who got hers in the form of the instruction manual for the world seed months ago.

The group lays out their plan to stop Seb by destroying Fillory and creating a new world when Julia goes into labor.

Julia is brought to Brakebills infirmary where Kady has also brought a psychotic Fogg who just escaped from the etheric realm.

Fogg, though, escapes and steals the world seed from the Neitherlands, bringing it back to the Brakebills lab, and slashes Julia's magical umbilical cord as she gives birth, sending her into organ failture.

The gang then looks for a way to leave Fillory once its been destroyed, and Margo reveals she knows a short cut to the tree portal.

Once on Fillory, Margo, Eliot, and Josh begin rapturing the people of Fillory into the ark when Eliot is summoned by Seb as the Dark King finishes his plan to resurrect Lance.

However, it's revealed Martin, also known as the Beast, manipulated Seb into freeing him from the Underworld.

A devastated Seb then decides to stop his brother while Eliot and his friends go ahead with their plan to destroy Fillory.

Desperate, Penny asks Plum to reset time, but she reveals this is the do-over.

Penny then realizes that Fogg can remember time loops, and they discover Fogg's actions were to save the group from certain death.

Margo then reveals that there is no shortcut and will sacrifice herself to save the others. 

Before Fillory's destroyed -- and kills Margo -- Penny travels to save her, as he can now travel while holding Hope after the magical umbilical cord was reimplanted in him.

All safe, Margo, Josh, and Alice cast the spell for the world seed while Fen describes her memories of Fillory. Afterward, they all disappear.

Eliot then becomes a teacher at Brakebills and starts a romantic relationship with Charlton whose consciousness was transferred into Hyman's body earlier in the episode.

Julia and Penny decide to search for their friends and travel together with their daughter.

Margo, Josh, Fen, and Alice end up on new Fillory and look toward the future.

The Magicians
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The Magicians Season 5 Episode 13 Quotes

Alice: Why did you put it there? What if I ignored it?
Santa: But you didn’t. You needed something to get back in the game. You weren’t gonna pass on a mystery you thought your guy was working on. I’m very sorry for your loss.
Alice: It really sucks.
Santa: Well, now you know. That page and wherever that quest took you it wasn’t his story; it was yours Alice. For what it’s worth, I think he’d been really proud of you, the way you keep on fighting. I told you. I told you were good.
Alice: I still don’t know if that’s true.
Santa: Hey, this is how it works: You do your best, you fuck up, you get hurt, people die. Except for the odd microplane, jack shit gets wrapped up in a bow.
Alice: You know you’re a real ray of sunshine Santa.
Santa: Ho ho ho.

Santa: Oh hey, Alice.
Alice: Did I sleep until December?
Santa: I couldn’t resist giving out a few more gifts while I’m here. Given your quest-heavy lifestyle, there’s no guarantee any of you will live to see Christmas. Sit, have a cookie.