The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 4
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On the way to Corvus, Din decides the ship Razor Crest needs repairs or he and The Child won't make it. They head back to Nevarro.

On Nevarro, Cara Dune robs some aliens of the things they've stolen so that she can return them to their owners.

Din lands on the planet and is greeted by Cara Dune -- currently the marshal --  and Greef Karga.

They run into Mythrol who is working off his debt by doing clerical work for Greef.

Greef and Cara ask Din to help get rid of an old Imperial base that has not been abandoned, on one side of Nevarro. Nevarro can be totally free if they succeed. Din agrees.

They plan to overload the reactor that powers the sector where the base is located.

Mythrol chauffeurs them in a landspeeder and they break into the base. They drain the coolant lines of the reactor, allowing them 10 minutes before it blows.

They discover the base is a lab rather than a military operation.

They find a three-day old transmission of a lab worker explaining he could not get enough blood from The Child for an experimental transfusion that went wrong for its subject. It is addressed to Moff Gideon.

The grouping now then realizes Moffis not dead as was thought.

They fight off a slew of stormtroopers and steal the Trexler Marauder to escape -- while Din goes back for the Child, whom they left behind.

The now threesome (Cara, Greef, and Myrthol) ends up falling into a pit, but the gang outmaneuvers the scout troopers who chase them, only to be honed in on by a gaggle of tie fighters..

The threesome is soon joined by Din in the Crest and together they battle -- and destroy -- the tie fighters.

Later after the base has exploded, Greef is questioned by an Officer Blue and denies knowledge of how it exploded and denies the presence of the Crest when questioned about it as reported by his transponder log.

Blue asks Cara to join in helping him and his team. She refuses.

On Moff Gideon's ship, a transmission form one of the mechanics on Nevarro reports a tracking beacon device has been planted on the Razor Crest. Moff declares their readiness for retrieving the asset, The Child.

The Mandalorian
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The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Din: I had a run-in with the New Republic.
Greef: They should leave the Outer RIm alone. If the Empire couldn't settle it, what makes them think they can?

Din: How's my credit around here?
Greef: I think something can be arranged, isn't that right, Marshal?
Cara: I'm sure we can work somethin' out.