Feeling The Pressure - The Mole
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The episode picks right back up as both teams reach for the button. They're not sure if they've won the challenge.

William is adamant that they can't trust the other team now.

Alex Wagner reveals the results of the mission: money wasn't won since both teams pressed the red button. The winning team by a few seconds is Sector 45 (Pranav, Avori, Greg, Casey, and Sandy). The remaining players will have to complete the quiz.

The Sector 31 group is worried about their chances since it's a 1 ouf ot 6 odds.

Some questions that appeared on the quiz include: Does The Mole have hair past their shoulders? Did The Mole have a chessboard in their prison cell? Does the Mole have sisters? Does The Mole have a pet?

In confessionals, the eligible players indicated William, Greg, Samara, and Joi are top suspects based on their performance during the missions.

Alex Wagner inputs the quiz results. Joi gets a green screen and is safe.

William is safe.

Samara gets the red screen. She is eliminated. Alex walks her out of the factory. In confessional, William reveals Samara was a third of his votes.

For the next day, the players travel to the Great Barrier Reef. They move into their hotel for the day and get to know each other more. Greg reveals that he's trained in scuba diving.

Pranav and Avori have a strategy session at the pool. Avori has high suspicions about Casey. Pranav wants to get suspicions placed on them; Avori is considering doing the same strategy.

Alex Wagner reveals a secret mission within the hotel. Jacob reads the letter first: The Mole offers up dossier files about each player within the room. If every player refuses to read the files, the group adds $10,000 to the group pot. However, if they fail, they don't get the money.

Jacob is unsure about what he'll do; he doesn't want to, but he's sure the others will. Casey decides not to look. Avori notices the paperclips have been moved on the dossiers. Greg decides not to look, but he's unsure. Both Dom and William walk out of the room.

Alex arrives in the morning to discuss their next mission. The players are tasked with a treasure hunt: there are five treasure chests at the bottom of the sea, altogether worth $10,000. Half the players will be in a boat to retrieve the cases in the water, but the other half will be on the plane searching for the equipment. They have one hour and a half to complete the mission.

William divides the groups. Joi refuses to go in the plane group; she wants to be in the boat to watch WIlliam. Greg doesn't believe Pranav is The Mole.

Water team is William, Greg, Jacob, Casey, and Joi.

Air team is Avori, Pranava, Dom, Kesi, and Sandy.

While in the air, Avori tries to act suspicious. She pretends to act dizzy, asks them to slow down, and inadvertently misses the supplies on the beach.

The water team has to search in the water to find the packages first before the air team arrives with the equipment. Joi thinks William is acting messy in the water; she thinks he's looking suspicious.

In the air, Avori pushes that they've been around this island before. However, Pranav notices something on the beach and they discover the supplies. He's suspicious of Kesi and Avori for not noticing the boat.

The air team collects their supplies and treks through the woods to get to the water team.

William gets injured by hitting rocks in the water. Joi starts to think he isn't The Mole because he's trying hard to win the challenge.

Avori drops an oxygen tank in the middle of the beach. Dom runs back to grab the tank; he's starting to wonder if she's sabotaging it.

The air team is confused by the water team. The water team hasn't found any crates yet and they're not sure how to use the equipment to lift the crates.

With 10 minutes left, Casey finds the first crate underwater. She successfully attaches the buoy systems; the group retrieves the first crate.

Greg jumps into the water to help the group. He drops a tank deep into the water; the players think Greg is sabotaging the challenge since it led to them losing a crate.

The players return back to the villa after losing the mission. Avori isn't sure what the water team was doing while searching for the crates. Casey's biggest suspect is Greg.

Alex Wagner reveals the current prize pot is $28,500. Alex says it's time for them to discover if anyone read the dossiers; she'll be interviewing them all in her office.

Alex tells Casey that the $10,000 is gone; someone read the dossier. She says that if they didn't read the dossiers, their integrity will be rewarded.

Casey, Dom, and Sandy didn't look. Joi didn't look. Greg and Avori did look.

Alex offers those who didn't look a deal: if they wager money from the pot to guess who did look, it could win them money for the group pot. The player who guesses the highest and gets it correct will win an exemption.

The highest bid was made for $25,000.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger before Alex is able to reveal who made the big.

The Mole
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The Mole Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

[In confessional] Absolutely at a loss for words. The Mole’s phone wouldn’t go red.


[In confessional] I haven’t done anything to throw suspicion on myself. And I feel like that’s a mistake I’ve made in the game. I definitely want people to think that I’m The Mole.
