Soaking It All In - The Morning Show
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Mia is trying to sleep, but even her white noise machine is no help. She sleeps in the studio now, already at work well before anyone else comes even close.

She sits behind the anchor desk, clearing her head. Has she harbored a desire to anchor?

Eagle News makes fun of the UBA leaks.

Earl gives Cory a huge deluge of leaked information. Something is on Page 85, which makes Cory pick up the phone to call Paul. He’ll take the first offer Paul pitched. Looks like Cory has something on the board, so he tells Earl to pull the trigger.

On air, Alex, Christina, and Yanko laugh over people’s poor profile photos from the chin up. Yanko asks Chris how she and her husband got together. It’s a cute story.

Mia is trying to hand some papers to Layla, but Eagle News has a segment on the racist drama at UBA. Turn that up, Mia says. Cybil Reynolds called Chris Aunt Jemima (the character's name has always been Cybil Richards as far as the entertainment industry knew... ).

Cory wants to get Chris on the phone. She’s reading about the leak online, where people are saying horrible things about her. Stella found the email, which she shares with Mia. It’s even worse than expected when someone mentions Chris on a cereal box (she’s an Olympian), and Cybil says Aunt Jemima was on a box, too, but nobody’s buying her anymore.

It’s the first time Chris has been up to the top floor to see Cory. He’s got a lot going on already, trying to make it up to her in his hope to do the news, not be the news. She says nothing before he begins shuffling her out of the room.

When she gets into the elevator, she holds back tears.

Cybil calls Alex to the conference room. She wonders what the word is on the street. She needs an advocate. Alex isn’t impressed. When did this become a “we,” Alex wonders. Cybil’s grandfather founded the network, and she wants to go on Alex Unfiltered. Alex doesn’t want to have any part of it. Cybil calls her out on that. You, of all people. She says she had Alex’s back when everyone wanted to get rid of Alex for being old. Does Alex really think that if Cybil leaves, anyone else will have her back?

Alex finds it funny that now it’s all about sisterhood and solidarity. Cybil just wants a chance to set the record straight. Alex doesn’t play ball.

Chris can’t sleep. Her husband recognizes that she’s anxious.

Alex, Cory, Stella, and Chip talk about everything on the table. Alex has come around to putting Cybil on the show. Stella understands. Cory wants her to go on Eagle News. Alex says this isn’t gossip; it’s a news story, and they are the news. Stella thinks their best move is to get ahead of this, especially considering how Cory covered the Mitch debacle.

Layla is looking through salary information in the data dump, wondering why she’s even working there when Mia calls her to her office.

Next up is an all hands, and Yanko starts talking in circles, angering everyone. Chris wonders why, if she’s not taken for granted, Mia hasn’t found her another anchor producer. Mia and Stella talk and Mia isn’t feeling any better than anybody else. Stella’s answer is that they are getting out of there tonight, and they’re getting drunk.

Chris and her husband Marcus have words. He might have talked her into taking the job when she felt she was being lowballed. Before the conversation gets too far, the doorbell rings. It’s Alex. She tried calling, but Chris wasn’t picking up.

Cory has dinner with one of the board members. The board member says his father was a bin man, and he’s not about to start now, so either Cory cleans up his own mess or gets the fuck out of the way.

Stella and Mia are getting drunk. Yanko can be problematic, they say, but also hot. Remember when he punched that guy out in the street?

They spot someone Cory knows. On the way out, Stella is angry, but Mia wonders if she’s protecting Cybil. When Mia brings up Paul, Stella reveals what she knows about Paul. He’s ruthless. Chris arrives, and what she and Alex talked about what that Chris should be the one to interview Cybil.

Cory says nope. But then Stella puts her cards on the table. She knows he leaked the email.

Cybil isn’t excited about the possibility of meeting with Chris on the air, either. Cybil can’t understand why she would have done what she did. She’s freaking out that this one “mistake” will define her legacy.

The next day, they’re ready to go. It’s only a four-minute segment, and Cybil is nervous as hell. Chris is, too. She’s removing her ring three times in some sort of ritual. The ring does not fit, by the way.

Chris wonders if people will see her as an angry Black woman beating up a defenseless White lady.

Cybil says God Almighty as she’s seated on stage. The segment begins without a question. Cybil apologizes for what she said. Nothing can excuse what she did. Cybil sidesteps her responsibility and tosses Cory under the bus. She announces that from now on, employees will have a say at all board meetings. Then Chris asks why Cybil wasn’t pleased with her hiring. Cybil says she was untested, but Chris assures her that she was tested far and beyond every other candidate they’d ever had.

Chris puts Cybil on the spot, and Cybil fumbles the ball so spectacularly that there will be no coming back from it.

At the end of the segment, Mia promotes Layla to Chris’s anchor producer.

Cybil has been voted out of office.

Cory heads to Soho to find Paul Marks. At the door, he finds Amanda, who blocks him at the door. Paul wonders if the deal has to be that hard. He wanted a legacy media company, but it’s a shitshow. UBA is no longer of interest.


The Morning Show
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The Morning Show Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

We’ve just received a cache of emails and found a doozy. Cybil Reynolds, legend of the industry and UBA board president, referred to the co-anchor Christina Hunter as Aunt Jemima in an email about her hiring.

Eagle News

Chip: Those dating pictures are tragic.
Alex: Ha. I know. Not everyone can find love in their boss’s apartment.