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In The Mysteries of Laura Season 1 Episode 4, we join Laura as she helps investigates the mistress, Caitlyn,  in a sex scandal. Things blow up quickly when the mistress is shot in the middle of Times Square and we now have a murder mystery on hand. This leads Laura and Billy to a BDSM club where they try to figure out why there was a fake story planted about the mistress just before her death. Unfortunately, the reporter who ran the story provides Laura with an audio of the woman stating that she is fact had an affair. 

Laura further investigates the death of Caitlyn by going to a rehab clinic and interviewing people that had direct knowledge of the scandal. At the rehab center, she has an interesting talk with a reporter who gives her the idea that whomever killed Caitlyn has to be working for the man that is up for re-election. When Jake and Laura go to investigate Caitlyn's apartment, they find a clue leading them to her roommate. Unfortunately, they are too late and the roommate, Heather, has been shot to death. They now have 2 murders on their hands!

The story takes an exciting turn when Laura realizes that it was Caitlyn's mentor that murdered both her and Heather! 


The Mysteries of Laura
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