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On The Mysteries of Laura Season 1 Episode 14, Billy and Meredith investigate the recent murder of a man named Mickey who was shot in the neck while in his car. While they are looking through his things they at first think a woman is involved until they bring him to the medical examiner and Laura investigates his injuries. They figure out he is actually a cross dresser and he had been performing as Cher at one of the clubs.

Billy and Laura go to the drag club and interview a couple of people and they all have alibis, but they are able to provide a little bit of information on Mickey's personality -- that he has some anger issues and he was not gay either. As they investigate Mickey further they find out he had been in and out of trouble and had a best friend named Eric who was actually his manager when he first started getting into fights and when he first joined a fight club. 

Jake and Billy go to the warehouse where the fights take place and they get video from the night Mickey was fighting and they watch the tape to try to piece together what happened. In the tape is a woman named Donna who was Mickey's new manager and Billy and Meredith are sent to go and investigate her. While at the MMA fight they talk to Donna and find out she may know who Mickey's killer is and when they tell her they are investigators she tells them about Eric trying to buy her out for $20,000. Billy tells Donna to call Eric down and when he gets there they arrest him.

While in interrogation, Laura talks with Eric and puts together it wasn't him who killed Mickey, but it was actually Eric's boss who murdered him because he lost $20,000 when Mickey one the fight even though he was originally supposed to throw the fight. 

The Mysteries of Laura
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