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TC is repelling into a canyon. The kid inside has inside has a bone sticking out of his shin. Ouch!

Back at SAM, pranks are in full force, as well as incoming patients.

TC is doing search and rescues because he was suspended. The kid he's working on in the canyon recently crossed the border. His throat is full of cotton balls. That's what they feed people crossing because it's cheap.

In the ER, there is a couple jammed full of rebar. A new ER surgeon named Chavez joins the party. He's played by Adam Rodriduez.

Topher isn't a fan of the touchy feely, granola Chavez.

Ragosa comes back after beating his tumor. He's in great spirits.

TC comes in with his canyon kid, pretending he's not suspended.

Scott and Jordan do not seem to be getting along.

Good God. The rebar is right through the guy's head. He's worried about his wife more than his wife.

Ragosa is staring into a mirror at his head in his office.

TC keeps walking around the hospital despite being suspended. Now that Ragosa is back, they're worried he's gonna get caught.

A man is trapped between two floors by an elevator. Nightmare, horror movie status! They take lift the elevator, but in doing so, he dies.

A new paramedic knew Jordan since college, but I can't catch her name.

Rogosa learned a lot about being a patient, and he wants to hang out down in the ER to be closer to the action.

Jordan checks in with Ragosa. She wants to do an Ech-Mo (?) in the field to save the elevator guy.

Drew is chatting with Rick on the phone. Rick wants to take more pills than he needs to per day.

Kenny and Krista are sleeping together.

Ragosa is slammed by an administrator and he quits.

Tricia, TC's search and rescue partner, has cancer and the guys try to determine how to get her treated. She was the person who got TC to realize his brother put the whole platoon at risk by sending a doctor into the house first.

When Mr. Woo (rebar) comes to, he cannot speak English. He can only speak Mandarin. Krista downloads a Mandarin to English program and all is well.

After Paul and Kenny get down wrapping Drew to the wall in the cellophane, Topher walks in on Ragosa pounding his head on the table in the break room. He's freaking out. But he's also been studying to get his MD. Topher tells him to live in the moment and then takes him out to the room with the girl and her recovering father. He doesn't think it feels like a mistake. Topher says it's about an 80% pay cut, but they have an opening for a physician's assistant. There's no better way to learn.

Topher sold his bike, which was Thad's, to pay for Tricia's surgery. He needs to let Thad go and move on from a bad hand.

TC had told Jordan to save the date. Her friend squeals... he bought them Spice Girls tickets.

Jordan stops the elevator for a little elevator sex.

The Night Shift
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The Night Shift Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Feelings are good, Alicia. Don't ever let anyone tell you how to feel.


Ragosa: I did it because, um, I wanted to do one decent thing in this job before I quit.
Administrator: You're quitting?
Ragosa: Yeah. I quit. I don't wanna do this job anymore. I had a piece of my brain
removed to give to my tumor. Most people could barely recite the alphabet after that, but I have all of my faculties and I refuse to push paper at a place where everybody hates me! Aaaah. This feels so good. You have no idea how good it feels to finally do what you want to do. Yes. Yes. I quit and I could not be happier.