Sad Times - The Plot Against America
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It's September 1941 and a funeral is being held for Dora Finkel, mother of Evelyn and Bess. Herman is going to Montreal, where Alvin is recovering from his war wounds. Evelyn wants to use Sandy as the poster boy for the Just Folks program but Bess doesn't like the idea. Alvin is bitter toward Jenny the Nurse, who is just trying to lift his spirits. Sandy enjoyed his summer in Kentucky. Herman invites Alvin to move back in with him. Selden's father is rushed to the hospital. A caravan of Jews moving to Canada pass Herman as he's changing a flat tire. Sandy gives a Just Folks talk. Herman argues with Monty, who has become a Lindbergh backer. Bess asks Herman what he thought of Canada. The Levins host Evelyn and Rabbi Bengelsdorf. Herman and Lionel debate over dinner. Alvin returns to New Jersey. The New Homestead Act is promoting Jewish families relocating to the West. The Levins meet Alvin at the train station. Alvin's stump frightens Philip. Evelyn meets Mrs. Lindbergh. She invites them to a state dinner for Nazi Germany's foreign minister. Earl gives Philip stamps as a going-away present. Alvin lost his leg while shooting an already dead Nazi. Monty offers Alvin a job. Sandy gets invited to the state dinner but Herman refuses to let him go. Herman and Bess recover Sandy from the rabbi's house following another blowout. Bess slaps Sandy after he insults Herman. FBI Agent Don McCorkle attempts to question Philip about Alvin. Selden's father dies. Lindbergh blows off Bengelsdorf at the state dinner. Henry Ford insults them then Evelyn fires back with a Yiddish slur. McCorkle confronts Herman at the bakery but Herman storms off. Monty fires Alvin after McCorkle's visit. Philip takes an unauthorized trip to see the newsreels.

The Plot Against America
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The Plot Against America Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Evelyn: Maybe [Alvin's] unable to write.
Herman: It's a leg, Ev. Whatever he has to say, I'll hear it soon enough.

Philip: Dad, what is Alvin going to do?
Herman: What will he do? He'll find his way, kiddo.