Family on Trial - The Undoing Season 1 Episode 5
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Jonathan asks Grace why she was near Elena's house that night, suggesting that she might have been following him. She cannot believe that he's even asking. The paparazzi comes upon them, and their argument is short-lived.

Haley senses something wrong between them right away. Jonathan calls is pretrial nerves, but Grace says nothing.

Haley has high hopes for the case using her wait and see approach. Grace isn't as on board as she needs to be and thinks she deserves a medal for being by his side under the circumstances.

Two of the jurors have been cheated on and one is having an affair. The piggyback on the algorithms of Google and Amazon, and she's already targeting their news feeds with pro-defense news.

Grace wonders if that's legal, and Haley says it's grey enough to get away with.

Haley has every intention of tossing Fernando under the bus. Right after that reveal, she demands Grace to take Jonathan's hand. She refused to budge, so Jonathan goes to her. Haley wants them to feel together because if they don't, the jury won't buy it.

Even if they aren't on the stand, they will be giving testimony every second they're in the room. They'll be looking for any possibility of lies and disbelief. Grace cries. 

Franklin is listening to the news about Jonathan and calls it entertainment. Grace has words for him, and his presence matters. He needs to do this for his grandson. Franklin, though, doesn't think Henry should have any contact with Jonathan whether or not he's a murderer.

The trial begins.

They arrive holding hands, going one at a time through the metal detectors, Henry included.

The prosecutor makes her opening statement. She warns the jury that this murder is worse than they think. Jonathan plays the part.

Haley begins by putting Elena on the monitor. She says that Jonathan is the only option and that's why he was targeted. Her opening statement doesn't do well by Fernando.

After the first day of trial, Jonathan is at home looking at a picture of him and Henry.

Jonathan calls Grace. He doesn't really have anything to say, but he's lonely. Wonders after Henry. He remembers talking to her on the phone for a long time when they were courting, that they didn't hang up even when they had nothing to say. He tells her he loves her before they hang up.

Henry wonders where Grace was when she returns from another exhaustive walk. She tries to connect with him, and then he admits he saw Jonathan and Elena together at school. He wishes he had told her because things might have been different if he had.

He's struggling accept his own actions in light of a terrible experience. Henry said he just knew what they were doing even though they weren't kissing, and when Jonathan saw him and waved, he knew that he knew that he knew. Henry thought it meant that Jonathan trusted him.

Grace rails at Jonathan the next time they are with Haley, moments before the trial. 

It's time for Mendoza to take the stand. Haley tries to get him unnerved by chipping away at Fernando's alibi. He's not easily unnerved, and when Haley asks if the cameras captured anyone else, he says no, and she puts the photo of Grace on the screen.

Heley wants to know if they questioned Grace under Miranda. She is angry that they didn't question her as a suspect. Then she says that Fernando's DNA was at the scene. His alibi excluded him. Haley used the photo and called Mendoza a liar. 

At dinner, Henry snickers over the squirming worm, as the press is calling Mendoza. Henry thinks they're going to win. Jonathan says he thinks tossing Fernando under the bus was a mistake.

Henry thinks that if the family can survive the trial, then they can survive as a family, too. Grace tells her clients that marriage goes on after infidelity, and he gets Jonathan to say that he'd never cheat again, although he doesn't say it out loud. Then he mentions the dog. 

Jonathan freaks and leaves the table. He lied about the story. He killed the family sister, not the family dog. His sister, Katie the kitten, was 4 when he was babysitting at age 11. Grace cannot believe she's never heard about it. The family doesn't talk about it. But he says every patient he treats is little Katie.

Fernando is on the stand now talking about Miguel going to the studio. Fernando went to the studio after Miguel returned. So they both saw her in that state. 

Haley asks if Fernando knew Elena was using the apartment as not only a studio but to have an affair with Jonathan. Haley asks if Elena was receiving any pyschiatric treatment. Fernando says she's vile. Haley wants to know if he's getting any mental help as the DA tries to stop her line of questioning.

Grace asks Sylvia her thoughts on the case. She thinks it's more likely than not that Jonathan did it, but that's not how the law works. When she asks Grace what she's thinking, Grace agrees that she shouldn't ask that.

Grace finally gets a call from Jonathan's mother, who doesn't hesitate to correct her grammar. Her mom says that it was all Jonathan's decision to sever ties with the family. His mother says she was responsible for Katie's death. She says that Jonathan suffered from neither guilt nor grief, surrounding him by family support certain that, one day, he'd collapse. That day never came.

Grace immediately calls Sylvia who clarifies that his own mother identified him as a sociopath. 

Later, Grace is cleaning Henry's room. She goes to put away his violin to find a sledgehammer inside the case.

The Undoing
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The Undoing Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Look, juries don't like to convict good-looking people. They certainly don't like to imprison doctors, and they don't like to punish the wealthy. As much as we think we like to stick it to the rich, in the end, we don't. We never do.

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Haley: Their case is vulnerable.
Jonathan: So you keep saying, um, although with a little more anxiety each time you say it. Here's my question. What's our case, Haley, because I don't really have clarity on that.
Haley: Our defense is wait and see. I told you, it's fluid.
Jonathan: Fluid. OK. Great, that gives me great confidence. Thank you.