The Veil - Elisabeth Moss as Imogen Salter - Lead
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The premiere episode opens with Imogen Salter, currently going by Portia, meeting with an associate by the name of Tomas.

Imogen reveals that she had been collecting intel on Tomas' criminal activity for over a month and that Interpol would soon be arriving to arrest him.

At a refugee camp on the Syrian and Turkish border, a food supply vehicle tries to make its way through the crowds of people in order to allow the workers to dispense rations.

A woman in the crowd accuses a female worker of being an ISIS operative, sending the crowd into a frenzy.

The accused woman is beaten and nearly hanged to death before soldiers at the camp intervene.

Imogen arrives at the campsite before it is revealed through a private conversation with a French intelligence agent named Malik that she is there to secure the accused woman.

Under the guise of aid support, Imogen meets with the woman, who she learns is named Adilah, and the two have a casual but amicable exchange before a group of refugees from the camp break into the tent with the intention of killing Adilah.

Imogen is able to subdue the attackers before securing her and Adilah's departure from the camp to Turkey.

In France, Malik meets with an associate named Magritte, who confirms that the woman was positively identified as a high-ranking ISIS operative.

Magritte informs Mailk that the U.S. plans to get heavily involved by apprehending the women from Imogen by sending a decorated agent named Max Peterson.

On the road to Turkey, Adilah confesses that she will surely be killed when they arrive at the location where Imogen intends to take her.

Trusting her instincts that Adilah may not be what everyone suspects, Imogen detours from their route, taking  Adilah to safety.

The Veil
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The Veil Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Imogen: I speak French.
Adilah: Yes, but your accent is very bad.

Tomas: Everything will be completed once we get to Berlin and you have been invaluable.
Imogen: Thank you, Tomas. I don't think you'll feel the same in a moment when Interpol arrives, though.
Tomas: What are you talking about? Who are you?
Imogen: I'm the person who has recorded and memorized every move you've made and every word you've said for the last 37 days.