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Claire decides to not go to work to track down Sean. She probably should have called sick or something. She learns that Sean frequented a bakery where people come in not to receive baked goods, but to get money from overseas.

Minx goes to therapy where she comes to terms with the fact that Drill isn't real, and she needs to stop playing with him. Drill is not happy about that. He tries to get Minx to change her mind, and when she refused, Drill kills the therapist.

Wes learns that Sean has a target - a nuclear power plant. He briefs Claire on his findings, and Claire mentions that somehow Sean convinces kids to believe in an imaginary friend named Drill. Light bulb moment! Wes mentions to Claire that Minx has a friend named Drill.

Claire goes to ask Minx about her friend Drill, which goes terribly because Minx knows that Claire is the woman that her dad had an affair with. After Lena steps in, Minx starts talking about her game with Drill, and Wes and Claire find out the actual nuclear power plant that Sean is going after.

Meanwhile, Sean kidnapped Dr. Benavidez. He tells her that he never knows where he is going, not until he gets there. Then, the lights warn him about the FBI coming to bust him after Dr. Benavidez slipped the gas attendant Claire's card. Even though Dr. Benavidez purposely crashed the car, both her and Sean survive and are in front of the next location - the power plant.

The Whispers
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The Whispers Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Sean: Answer me one question: do you love him?
Claire: ...No.
Sean: But you had to think about it.

Claire: God, Sean, when did it get so hard to talk to you?
Sean: I don't know, Claire. Why don't you ask your conscience?