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The Young and the Restless
March 7, 2008 Recap

PART I: Upset that Gloria has redecorated the mansion without asking, Jack retrieves a box from the mail and hints to Sharon that this "hope in a box" might be their solution to getting rid of her and Jeffrey. Kevin's curious about their package and sends Jana over to snoop but ultimately ruins her plans. Jack and Sharon plant the new spy-cam clock at the house and try to get into a fight with their house mates. Heather worries to Paul that her job is in jeopardy. Paul suggests she get away but Heather reveals she's thinking of leaving town for good.

PART II: After Adam boasts to an amused Victor about working late last night with the ad people for the Beauty of Nature campaign, Victoria barges into her dad's office to complain about what Adam has done. She blasts him for making decisions without her approval and refuses to allow him to try to change the name. She accuses him of being insecure but he counters that she has little experience with business thanks to her degree in art. J.T. (Thad Luckinbill) interrupts with Reed. Later, Victor (Eric Braeden) tells Adam he too didn't like the name change and suggests he "slow his horses" and learns the ropes at Newman.

PART III: On the phone with Eric, Victor again doubts that the first edition of Nick's magazine will ever hit the stands. Phyllis is excited to show Adam her work for the magazine so far. Jack meets Adam and warns him about Victor. Nick confirms that he was once married to Sharon and she reveals they have a child together. Kevin asks Paul to follow Jeffrey to find out if he's cheating on Gloria. Meanwhile, Gloria secretly listens as Jeffrey calls to make sure the divorce papers are being written as he instructed. Nick's impressed when Jack announces he's arranged a "Restless Style" pre-launch party next week which will be attended by Eric and Ashley.

Until next time on The Young and the Restless ...

The Young and the Restless
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