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Mary Jane surprises Jack at the mansion. As he makes them drinks, he's surprised she knows where the coasters are kept.

Mac awakes confused after having dreamed of having sex with Billy.

She later advises Kevin that she got over Billy a long time ago and then turns her attention to cheering Kevin up.

Chloe insists that Billy help her turn the pool house into a real home for them. Later, their amusing moments together lead to passion in bed.

Jana eyes the painting Daniel's been working on and when he calls it an original, she claims to have seen it before.

He lies that he painted it because he's hit a roadblock where his muse is concerned. She announces that more people are interested in his work.

When Amber returns with her good news that her line of jackets sold out at Fenmore's Boutique, they celebrate.

Howard arrives and privately warns Daniel that his friendship with Jana is putting the plan in jeopardy.

Upset, Daniel boasts that the FBI will not tell him who he can be friends with and asks him to leave.

Paul runs into Mary Jane at the Crimson Lights and re-introduces himself to her.

During her first therapy session, Sharon is taken aback when her therapist suggests that she might have gotten pregnant to punish herself.

Upset, Sharon announces that this isn't working and runs out. She approaches Nick who embraces her and guesses that she's upset about what this week means.

When he asks what she was going to tell him in the park, she asks him to stay out of her life.

Back at the Abbott mansion, Sharon asks Jack if they can go out of town but he calls it a bad idea.

Mary Jane yearns for Jack to come back to her and, when her doorbell rings, she assumes with great relief that it's him.

She opens the door and finds Paul there.

Unable to shake Billy from her thoughts, Mac listens to a tape of them singing together and calls him.

However, she ends up deleting the message she left for him.

Until next time on The Young and the Restless ...

The Young and the Restless
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