No Knock - Twin Peaks
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Evil Cooper sacrifices his son Richard while Jerry watches from the woods.

Cooper wakes up from the coma that he was in, remembering everything but still going along as if he is Dougie. He plans a trip out to Twin Peaks, using the knowledge he had from when he was Dougie.

Diane gets a messahe from Evil Cooper, probably about what happened with Richard. She sends back a lot list of numbers. She then heads up, as if she is heading to Gordon's room number at the hotel. He calls her in and everybody else is already there. 

She shares what happened the night Cooper came to visit her, three or four years after she stopped hearing from him. He walked in and only wanted to talk about what was going on in the FBI. He leaned in to kiss her, they only did it once before. Then she felt afraid, Cooper felt it and smiled. Then he raped her.

After he took her to an old gas station. That is when Diane mentions that she is not herself and goes to get a gun out, gets shot herself and vanishes into thin air. 

Diane appears in The Black Lodge and gets told she was manufactured. She is then destoryed, much like Dougie was. 

Cooper tells Dougie's family that he has to go away but that he enjoyed spending time with them. He lets it slip that he isn't Dougie, but takes it back when they can't seem to handle that truth. 

He tells the guys from the casino the truth about who he is. 

Audrey and her husband make it to the Roadhouse. Suddenly it is announced that it is time for Audrey's dance and everyone clears out. She dances her well known dance from the original show. A fight starts and Audrey asks her husband to get her out of there, only for her to appear in a white room somewhere staring at herself in a mirror. 


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Twin Peaks Season 1 Episode 16 Quotes

Bradley: What kind of fucking neighborhood is this?
Rodney: People are under a lot of stress, Bradley.

Goodbye son.

Evil Cooper