Happy Quinn - UnREAL
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Quinn wants this to be the episode she reveals Candy's role on the show, subverting Rachel's plan to push bias to August through a hammock throw game. Chet wants to keep the baby, stating that August is a perfect specimen and that he doesn't care that the baby isn't his.

The next challenge is a dance show, which allows Candy to show her skills pole dancing, which gives her the grand prize of being a guest judge on Jay's show, Passport to Dance. Noelle gets angry, accusing Candy of being unwanted because she is a stripper, to which Candy argues that strippers are strong, empowered women, winning favor with the men. Chet tells Rachel to get rid of August, but Rachel is desperate not to. She accuses Quinn of setting this up, but Quinn panics and tells her to ignore Chet.

After getting angry with Jay, Alexi flops on Passport to Dance and acts out on live TV. Tommy gets Sofia to pick Alexi to stay in order to repair his public image, and Rachel gets a magazine to publish exclusive coverage of a cover-up of Alexi's flop -- saying that he relapsed into his heroin addiction.

Rachel gets Maya to pose with August to have him stay on the show, but gets jealous. She then reverts to convincing Candy to get August to stay for her own sake, putting her in Candy's debt. Candy demands a phone in exchange, and Rachel agrees. Madison stops by the show on behalf of Fiona, kissing Tommy, but Tommy later kisses a journalist. Chet proposes to Quinn, who says yes, renouncing his insecure nature and promising to be less protective of Quinn.

Rachel plans a special evening with August, but he leaves to be with Candy in order to gain audience favor, wanting to win the one million dollar prize. Rachel tells August about his kid, but August think it's more manipulation.

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UnREAL Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

You hear that? That's the sound of America's panties dropping!


Who needs my ancient, autism-causing sperm? August is like what the Greeks had in mind when they created the Greek gods.
