A Fractured Group - We Are Who We Are
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The truth about the deaths comes to light, and Colonel Wilson arrives at the office to fill everyone in on what happened. 

She forgets her outfit, so she sends Jonathan to pick it up from her home. Fraser wonders what is going on as it's the middle of the night. 

Jonathan tells him to go back to bed.

Sarah gets changed in front of everyone with little care for the world. 

She does a press release and everyone struggles to come to terms with the huge loss. 

Richard publicly ridicules her as Jenny and Maggie call off their relationship. 

Fraser is ousted from the group, while the others go to the abandoned house again and get drunk and high on drugs. 

Maggie and Sarah pick Caitlin and Danny up and take them home. 

Danny goes outside to pray. 

Fraser goes to Jonathan's and dances with him and his lady friend, but Fraser rushes out of the apartment half-naked and screams. 


We Are Who We Are
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We Are Who We Are Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Go back to bed, Fraser.


Sarah: End whatever is going on between you two.
Maggie: It's over.