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Liza cannot make a decision to save her life. 

As the Younger Season 6 finale wraps up, she's left pining for Josh after a conversation stirred up some memories while trying to process Charles' marriage proposal. 

The episode kicks off with Kelsey informing Liza that she's leaving Millennial behind to start over fresh. 

Liza tries to change her mind but when that doesn't work, she runs to grab the "Dear John" letter off of Charles' desk so he doesn't see it. 

Charles wonders what Liza is hiding and Kelsey catches up to them and tells him that she cannot return to being an editor after becoming publisher. 

Charles offers her a two-week hiatus to help clear her mind, but Kelsey is adamant that this is the right move. 

When she meets up with Zane later, she's surprised to hear that he doesn't think she's got what it takes to be successful in starting her own publishing company. 

He's also disappointed that Kelsey is only interested in the business aspect of their relationship and informs her that when she's ready to pursue something romantic, she has to be the one to reach out. 

Kelsey sets up a few pitches and realizes Zane was right, no one is taking her seriously because of her social media snafu. 

Maggie encourages her to dream big and she ends up pitching a digital imprint to Quinn, her former arch-nemesis and the reason she's in this mess in the first place. 

And surprisingly, she lands the deal with Quinn. 

Charles approaches Kelsey at the wedding and begs her not to take the offer. 

Instead, he offers to give her some of his shares so that she can become a board member at Millennial and thus, own a stake in the company. 

She can have her cake and eat it too. 

Kelsey accepts the offer and even reaches out for Zane who acknowledges that he's still interested in a romantic relationship. 

Diana and Enzo are preparing for their big day and stop one includes a visit to his uncle's shop to see the ice sculpture he created for the wedding. 

When he unveils a toilet and a trout sculpture, Diana tells Liza to take care of it. 

Liza sends in Maggie and Lauren, who tries to take a selfie on the toilet and gets her cooch stuck to it. 

Maggie comes to her rescue and pours hot coffee on the sculpture to get it unstuck from Lauren's sensitive parts thus melting the sculpture. 

Enzo's uncle is not pleased. 

The day of the wedding, Diana is beyond grateful to Liza for getting it together and being a good maid of honor. 

Everything about the big day is perfect, that is until Josh shows up. 

He's Lauren's plus one, but admits he decided to come so he could see Liza since he doesn't like the way they left things. 

Liza is thrown off but is open to catching up. He tells her about Inkburg's new deal with Infinitely 21 and asks Liza if she's okay with having her tattoo become one of the brand's licensed ones. 

Initially, Liza agrees but soon realizes that the tattoo meant a lot to her when it came to their relationship and she didn't want every girl in New York rocking it. 

Josh seemingly takes this as a sign that she's not over him. 

As he walks away, Charles swoops in and asks her to dance since their song is playing. 

During the dance, Charles brings up that he doesn't think a vacation with the kids is a good idea. 

Liza agrees that he should go alone and spend time with the girls, but Charles admits that he didn't think it was a good idea for a honeymoon. 

Liza, who was in her feels about Josh, is thrown off again as Charles tells her how much he loves her and then drops the big question: will you marry me. 

So, will Liza marry him? We'll find out when Younger returns for season 7. 

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Younger Season 6 Episode 12 Quotes

I believe you, Kelsey. And I wish I didn't. But you deserve to get what you want, I just wish you wanted more. And if you do one day, if you want more than just business advice from me, it's going to have to be your move. Okay? You're going to have to reach out. Good luck with your pitches.


Why do you even call it Millennial anymore? Cause it sounds better than menopausal?
