Days of Our Lives Photos for the Week of 10/27/2014

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Sami says her goodbyes. Check out these photos from Salem for Days of Our Lives the week beginning 10/27/2014.

1. Leaving Salem - Days of Our Lives

Sami and her children say their goodbyes to friends and family as they prepare to leave Salem.

2. Off to Hollywood - Days of Our Lives

Is Sami going to take the kids and move to Hollywood? Is it possible that Will is going to head to the west coast as well?

3. A First Kiss - Days of Our Lives

Jordan and Chad share a first kiss. This won't make Abigail or Ben very happy.

4. Kristen and Brady - Days of Our Lives

Brady keeps saying he wants nothing to do with Kristen and yet he keeps ending up on her doorstep. Talk about mixed signals.

5. Another Fight - Days of Our Lives

Is this yet another argument between Daniel and Jennifer? Can they just decide their relationship is really over so they can stop fighting for good?

6. Putting the Screws to Theresa - Days of Our Lives

John decides it's time to put the screws to Theresa. Will he keep her from getting her claws back into Brady?

7. On the Rocks - Days of Our Lives

Are Sonny and Will going to be the next Salem couple on the rocks? If Will decides he wants to head to the west coast, we're betting that's going to cause some problems at home.

8. Daniel and Kristen - Days of Our Lives

Is this a fight between Daniel and Kristen or will it lead to something more? Will Kristen end up being the next woman in Daniel's bed.

9. Poor Brady - Days of Our Lives

Poor Brady. He's caught between Kristen and Theresa. Will he always have such lousy taste in women or is there any possibility his love life will improve?

10. Who Is Eve Offending? - Days of Our Lives

Eve's on the phone with someone. Who is she offending this time?

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