45 Baddies We Unapologetically Adore!

There are some baddies that are loathsome, but there are many we love and even root for no matter what they do. Check out a list of our favorite baddies inside!

18 Powerful TV Moments of 2017

These are moments from 2017 we cannot forget. They surprised us and left a lasting impression. Take a look at the gallery to see if you agree!

19 Party Guests Who Would Liven Up Any Celebration

Put your party hats on because it's time to celebrate! Which TV character would you most like to have at your party? We've picked a few we think would be a gas!

13 TV Characters Who Need Some Extra TLC

Don't pop the champagne for these TV characters. It's been a rough year! Instead of a glass of bubbly, they'd rather have a hug. Find out who inside!

15 TV Characters on Santa's Naughty List

Santa checked his list and found that some TV characters deserve nothing but coal in their stockings! Find out who made the naughty list inside!

19 Times Laughter Got the Best of Us

Laughter makes the world go round, right? We have done our fair share of laughing at and with the television of 2017. Check out the most memorable bits!

13 TV Sex Scenes We Can NEVER Unsee!

Sex on TV can be grand, but not all TV sex is hot. Sometimes it's downright awkward. We've gathered some of those scenes for you right here!

17 Shows That Wave the Weird Flag

Wait... WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!? This is the question most often asked when it comes to these shows.

15 TV Villains with Plenty of 'Tude

Some villains set themselves apart from the others. They have more panache with their acid tongues and inflated egos. Who are they? Look now!

13 Characters Who CANNOT Play with Fireworks

Fireworks are dangerous and not everyone should be allowed to play with them. Here are 13 characters who need to stay away from the firecrackers!

14 Females Who Are Absolutely Fearless

What makes a woman fearless? It can be any number of factors from their job to their life status. Check out this group of fearless women dominating TV.

13 Shows We Can't Live Without

We have one message for these shows: Don't ever leave us! We couldn't go on without you!

American Gods Quotes

It's like one of those good/news bad news jokes, isn't it? The good news is, we'are lettin' you out early. The bad news is your wife's dead.


Shadow, we're going to be releasin' you later this afternoon. You'll be gettin' out a coupla days early. There's no good way to say this, so I'll put it plain. This came in from Johnson City Hospital from Eagle point. Your wife, she died in the early hours of this morning. It was ah, an automobile accident.
