23 'Ships Of 2018 That Need To Crash

Our picks of the 'ships of the year that should be nipped in the bud before they blossom and the full-fledged couples that we want to see broken up, and soon.

23 TV Families We'd Like to Spend the Holidays With

Holidays are stressful. Families are even more so. So escape with us to idyllic holiday shenanigans with our favorite, (mostly) functional television clans.

29 TV Deaths That Gutted Us in 2018

It's those left behind who suffer and here are 29 times this year where we never thought we'd recover. Find out if your heart was gutted like ours!

22 Most Heartwarming Miracles on TV

Miracles happen all year long on TV, offering us hope for our own lives. Here's our list of the most heartwarming miracles on TV. Did your favorite make the list?

13 Minor Characters We Adore

Not every character can have the spotlight, but sometimes minor characters steal our hearts! Here are our picks for the top minor characters.

13 Cases Of Terrible Product Placement On TV

Some shows need sponsorships to survive, but what happened to subtlety? These cases of product promotion definitely had the actors feeling a little dirty on the inside.

21 TV Characters Who Could Use A Therapist

October is the mental health awareness month, but our dedication to our beloved yet troubled characters need to be on a daily basis. Is your favorite character a part of the list?

13 TV Characters Who Are Scarier Than Monsters

Monsters, vampires, and zombies are horror show staples, but sometimes ordinary people instill more fear in viewers than supernatural beasts.

17 Best Soap Opera Recasts

Soap opera recasts are part of the business and they can be good or bad. Let's celebrate some of the best soap opera recasts that have happened over the years.

13 TV Characters Who Need to Bury the Hatchet

Sometimes enough is enough and for these TV characters, it's time to set aside differences and make amends. Who do we want to see bury the hatchet? Read on!

19 Needless TV Deaths That Made Us Question Everything

Some TV deaths can break our hearts but these ones just left us scratching our heads. Which TV show do you still loathe for pointlessly killing off a character?

13 Characters We Love Even if We'd Never Hang Out With Them

TV is full of larger-than-life characters who do things to annoy us or inspire us to do bad, bad things. But would we hang out with these people in real life?