33 Couples Who Were Robbed of Their Endgame

We all have at least one couple that we know should've ended up together but their shows just did them dirty. Let's all be bitter together. Who was yours?

13 TV Diners To Get The Best Slice of Pie

There is no better way to ring in National Pie Day than to imagine which TV diners (and restaurants) would serve us our favorite dessert.

17 Seemingly Romantic Gestures that Fell Flat

Not all romantic gestures cause fireworks. Some inspire dread, horror, boredom and make us wonder how could anyone think these were expressions of true love?

17 TV Characters Who Throw Such Good Parties We Need An Invite

Not everyone can throw a good party, but some TV characters are known for throwing parties that are the talk of the town! These are the guest lists we'd be included on.

31 Ships That Took Seasons to Sail

We all love immediate gratification, but when it comes to shipping sometimes it's worth the wait. Check out 31 slow burn ships that took seasons to set sail!

27 Shows That Will Warm Your Cold, Dead Heart!

There's nothing wrong with a little emotional television, and when it comes to these series, no one is exempt from the feels. So give in already and check out our list!

27 TV Characters Who Would Host a Mean Dinner Party

There's nothing like bonding with a friend or TV character over a good meal. We'd love these characters to send us a dinner invitation, pronto!

25 TV Breakups That Made Us Question True Love

TV breakups don't always make sense, especially when those couples are examples of successful relationships for us. Which TV breakups made you question true love?

19 TV Marriage Proposals Where The 2nd (or 3rd) Time Was The Charm

These people obviously really, really wanted to get married, because they did not just propose once, but twice. In some cases, they even proposed three times.

17 TV Characters Who Would Have Made A Killing During Prohibition

When Congress passed the 18th Amendment, bootlegging and speakeasies became America's favorite pastimes. Which TV characters would get in on the fun and profit?

21 Underrated TV Couples That Deserve More Love

Put a little love in your hearts, and show some appreciation for these couples that don't get enough recognition. Which OTP do you think is the most undervalued?

19 Scholars Willing To Risk It All For Education

Homework, teachers, and tests. School can be overwhelming. Fortunately, these scholars will remind you that it's worth putting everything on the line for an education.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
