11 TV Geniuses Who Resorted To Crime

It's always fun to see genius characters on our television screens, but it's always more interesting when they use their wits on committing a crime. Check out our list of criminal geniuses!

13 Reboots That Ruined Everything

With a number of reboots well underway this season, we take a look at 13 reboots that took the essence that made their progenitors great shows and destroyed it.

25 Fictional Kardashian Crushers: We'd Watch These Reality Shows Right Now!

From melodramatic people to those with a wild sense of humor, many TV characters are unique enough to deserve their own reality TV show. Learn about 25 of our favorites!

21 Potential Superheroes Ready for Action!!

Plenty of characters without abilities, both on and off superhero shows, have traits that make them deserving of powers and superhero status. Check out these!

17 Characters Who Could Use A Nice Dose Of Reality

There are some characters on TV who are very nice and then there are others who just use people for their own personal gain. The latter sort of suck.

NBC At Midseason: What Will Get Renewed?

Will your favorite NBC show get renewed? We've done the analysis and got all the figures hear for your viewing pleasure!

Quotables from Week Ending November 12, 2015

What wisecracks turned our heads for the week ending Thursday, November 12, 2015? Or was it a dramatic clause? Find out when you scroll through our Quotables!

13 Couples That Should Split Up NOW

There are several couples on TV that just don't work. We've compiled a list of those couples for your viewing pleasure. Have a look and see if your favorite couple is here!

33 Familiar Faces Coming to Fall Television

This fall your TV will be peppered with familiar faces, but they'll be showing up in the most unexpected places! Find out where you can find your favorites.

Heroes Reborn Quotes

Quentin: You're Noah Bennett, right?
Noah: Who do you work for?
Quentin: Ranatus.
Noah: Ranatus?
Quentin: I worked at Ranatus, but not for Ranatus and I know that you work for prima tech.

Tommy: I can't believe you made it out alive. So what happened in there? The place burnt down.
Luke: What do you think happened?
Tommy: I don't think we should talk about it in public.