Renewal Scorecard: Which Shows Didn't Survive the Bloodiest Season in Years?!

The 2021-22 TV season is almost over. Unfortunately, many shows did not make the cut. Check out our full guide to the renewals and cancellations.

TV Renewal Scorecard: What's Canceled? What's Renewed?

Renewed or canceled? That is the question. We've rounded up all of the decisions from the broadcast networks so far. Did your favorite show make the cut?

17 Endgame 'Ships We Love With Endings We Hate

We may be happy our OTP ended up together, but that doesn't mean we're happy with how it went down. We created a list of 17 ships we love with endings that we hate.

27 Young Old Married Couples

To be an old married couple, all you really need is some light-hearted banter and excessive concern about the other's well being. What about your favorite 'ships?

17 Times Soap Stars Guest Starred on Primetime Shows

It's always fun when your favorite soap stars show up on primetime shows! Here are 17 times familiar faces from daytime guest starred on primetime dramas.

13 Stuttering Shows That Made A Comeback In 2018

Sometimes the right combination of actors and storylines come together and series that had been struggling find a new wind. That's what happened for these shows in 2018.

31 Ships That Took Seasons to Sail

We all love immediate gratification, but when it comes to shipping sometimes it's worth the wait. Check out 31 slow burn ships that took seasons to set sail!

CBS Cheat Sheet: S.W.A.T. is on the Bubble

S.W.A.T. is one of many shows on the bubble at CBS, but how does the network's other shows stack up? Get all the details right here via TV Fanatic.

21 Characters Who Work Way Too Hard

All TV characters have busy lives. Then there are those who never stop working. We are recognizing 21 characters who are in serious need of a vacation.

Fall 2018 Premiere Dates: Set Your DVR!

Fall TV is almost upon us, and we've rounded up which shows are coming your way, and more importantly when you can actually watch them. Read on!

45 Baddies We Unapologetically Adore!

There are some baddies that are loathsome, but there are many we love and even root for no matter what they do. Check out a list of our favorite baddies inside!

27 Wholesome Characters Who Deserve the World

Some characters are just so pure we want them to have everything they could wish for and more. Here are 27 wholesome characters who deserve just that.

NCIS: Los Angeles Quotes

(Hetty approaches Callen as he is sleeping, he wakes up staring at Hetty)
Hetty: Did you catch him this time? You were twitching like a sleeping dog.
Callen: Well, you now what they say about sleeping dogs. (looks at Hetty)

Sam: Why would you rob a bank if you already had millions of dollars?
G: It's gotta be something bigger than that.