13 Excellent Partners in Crime Duos

Shenanigans are always more fun when you're pulling them off with a partner. Check out 13 of our favorite partners in crime duos. Did yours make the list?

CBS Season Premiere Spoilers: The Big Bang Theory, NCIS & More!

CBS is bringing its shows back in the next few weeks. How did they end? How will they return? We have all the latest details direct from the network!

19 Scientific Sweethearts Who Live for the Lab!

Whether in a science lab, crime lab, or computer lab, these characters love what they do and they do it well. Did your lab geek make the cut? Read on to find out!

17 Most Memorable TV Opening Sequences

TV opening sequences can sometimes make or break the tone of a series, and a great sequence only makes the show even better. Read about 17 of our favorites!

37 Times Siblings Made Things More Interesting

Dealing with a sibling can be like juggling porcupines - prickly but fun. Whether they're each other's guardian angel or deadliest nemesis, it's never boring!

15 Male Characters That Define The Nice Guy Syndrome

Some male characters are perfect examples of the Nice Guy Syndrome with qualities that are meant to come off nice but are mostly entitled. Do you agree with these?

Road-Tripping or Road Rage? 11 Characters We'd Want to Take the Wheel (and 5 We WOULDN'T)

Road trips have the appeal of completely undefined potential. Here are a few characters who could make that adventure a dream come true ... or a real-life nightmare.

17 Most Awkward TV Hugs

Hugs happen in all kinds of relationships on screen, and most of them enhance the connection between the people in it. But then there are those hugs that are just awkward and that you can't even look at.

Comic-Con 2018: The TV Lineup

Comic-Con 2018 is on the horizon, and we've compiled a list of all the confirmed TV panels that will take place in San Diego this July. Read on!

17 TV Weddings That Were Nearly Derailed

Sometimes no matter how much we plan, the universe has other ideas. Luckily, these 17 couples were strong enough to overcome whatever life threw at them!

25 Top Broadcast Scripted Shows from the 2017-18 Season

Did your favorite show make the cut to be one of the top 25 scripted offerings on the broadcast networks during the 2017-2018 season? Read on to find out!

Renewal Scorecard 2018-2019: What's Coming Back?

Which shows are coming back during the 2018-2019 season? We have a complete list that includes shows from the broadcast, cable and even streaming networks. Read on!

TBBT Quotes

Oh, Bernadette, please play my clarinet.

Raj's poem

Sheldon: I'll have a diet Coke.
Penny: Can you please order a cocktail? I need to practice mixing drinks.
Sheldon: Fine... I'll have a virgin Cuba Libre.
Penny: That's... rum and Coke without the rum.
Sheldon: Yes, and would you make it diet?