Grey's Anatomy Promo: If She Dies Young...

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The news is out that Amelia has a brain tumor, but now she needs surgery to get it out.

Now that she has the support of Owen and her sisters, she can face anything. Will her mentor, Tom, be able to remove all of the tumor? What if her faculties aren't intact afterward?

In the ominous promos, Amelia shaves her head to prep for surgery. She takes her Superwoman stance to hype herself up for a life-changing surgery. 

Sisterly Comfort

She also expresses gratitude for all of her friends, family, and colleagues for their support over the years. She tries to make arrangements just in case, but Owen reminds her to be hopeful and think the best.

When the surgery works, he reminds her. 

Will the surgery be a success? Will this young talent fizzle out? Tune in on October. 15 to find out.

You can watch Grey's Anatomy online right here via TV Fanatic. 

Check out the promo below and hit the comments with your thoughts!

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Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 4 Quotes

Amelia: Meredith, if I die --
Mer: You are not gonna die.
Amelia: OK, but if I do, you call my mom, I'm sorry, but she likes you. And you [looks at Maggie] take my room. It is way better. I kinda scammed you on that.
Maggie: Stop it.
Alex: She's right, it's way better.
Amelia: Owen, if I'm gorked, do not overthink it, do not visit me, just park me somewhere and go on with your life.
Owen: Amelia, please, cut it out.
Amelia: And if I need unplugging, April has been named my power of attorney.

Meredith: Are you sure you don't want me to call your mom?
Amelia: No. She didn't come for my wedding, she doesn't get to come for my tumor.