Intern chronicle

Bailey and Webber have an interesting day interviewing interns

Millionaire Jackson

Maggie defends Jackson at a family dinner when they discuss his inheritance

Arizona and April are besties

Arizona and April spend time together when April is down about not being with Harriet

Andrew Gets Through to Amelia

Andrew Gets Through to Amelia by explaining why she feels like something is missing

Jackson Hits the Bar - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 4

Jackson will receive some unexpected news. Is it possible that he's toasting the death of his grandfather whom he wasn't a fan of? Perhaps he needs a drink to wrap his head around his weird relationship with Maggie. Who knows?

Life in Your Hands - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 4

Amelia is putting her life in the hands of the man who has taught her everything that she knows. Tom may be an arrogant, blunt jackass, but he'll do everything in his power to help his former mentee because he's the best.

Amelia's People - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 4

Amelia's support network consists of two people she butts heads with the most; her sister-in-law, Meredith, and her husband, Owen. No matter what, she can always depend on them.

Man with A Plan - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 4

Tom is a man with a plan. He's formulated the perfect plan to tackle Amelia's massive brain tumor, but will his surgery be a success? Tune in to find out.

In Sickness and in Health - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 4

Owen vowed to take care of Amelia in sickness and in health, and he's taking that vow he made seriously. Will Amelia let him though?

Through Thick and Thin - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 4

The sisters always have one another's backs through thick and thin. Amelia's brain tumor is no exception. Amelia may be trying to push people away or deflect with humor, but Maggie and Meredith aren't going anywhere.

Who Has the Floor? - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 4

It seems like most of Grey Sloan's finest are crowded into Amelia's room. Someone has everyone's undivided attention. Could whomever the person is be pitching a solution?

No Time for Sunshine - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 4

An exasperated and worried Amelia does not have it in her to deal with her sunshine sister, Maggie. Maybe a positive and optimistic Maggie is the boost she needs, however.

Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 4 Quotes

Amelia: Meredith, if I die --
Mer: You are not gonna die.
Amelia: OK, but if I do, you call my mom, I'm sorry, but she likes you. And you [looks at Maggie] take my room. It is way better. I kinda scammed you on that.
Maggie: Stop it.
Alex: She's right, it's way better.
Amelia: Owen, if I'm gorked, do not overthink it, do not visit me, just park me somewhere and go on with your life.
Owen: Amelia, please, cut it out.
Amelia: And if I need unplugging, April has been named my power of attorney.

Meredith: Are you sure you don't want me to call your mom?
Amelia: No. She didn't come for my wedding, she doesn't get to come for my tumor.