Once Upon A Time Sneak Peek: Can Regina Save Snow and Charming?

Regina and Zelena team up to perform a tricky spell that could save Snow and Charming on Once Upon A Time Season 6 Episode 17. Will it work?

Once Upon A Time Promo: Can Snow and Charming Erase the Past?

Snow and David are willing to do whatever it takes to save Emma on Once Upon A Time Season 6 Episode 17. Will their actions stop Emma from being the savior?

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 17 Quotes

It's not like it's the first curse we've ever woken up from.


Tiger Lily: Lost Boys have gotten nasty since Pan died.
Killian: Tiger Lily.
Tiger Lily: Didn't expect to ever see you back on this rock.
Killian: Neither did I. This wasn't exactly what you'd called a planned excursion. I suppose thanks are in order for the daring rescue.
Tiger Lily: Right. About that. Who said this was a rescue?