Once Upon a Time Clip: Torturing Regina

Regina is in some pretty big trouble in this Once Upon a Time clip. It's from "Second Star to the Right."
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Once Upon a Time Clip - What's That Noise?

Mary Margaret apologizes to Regina for murdering Cora in this Once Upon a Time scene. Watch as the frenemies then hear a strange noise.
Rating: 4.8 / 5.0

Once Upon a Time Clip - Regina and Robin Hood

ABC has provided TV Fanatic with this exclusive clip from the Once Upon a Time episode "Quiet Minds." It features Regina and Robin Hood.
Rating: 4.7 / 5.0

Once Upon a Time Clip - Meeting the Queens

The Queens of Darkness gather in this clip from Once Upon a Time Season 4. They seem confused about what they are all doing in the same place.
Rating: 4.6 / 5.0

Once Upon a Time Clip: Ursula and Ariel

Hello there, Ariel! We meet this famous fairy tale character on the Once Upon a Time episode "Ariel."
Rating: 4.3 / 5.0

Once Upon a Time Clip: "The Heart of the Truest Believer"

Emma is "getting ready for a fight" in this clip from the Once Upon a Time Season 3 premiere. Watch Hook give her a present now.
Rating: 3.7 / 5.0

Once Upon a Time Clip - Why is Wendy Lying?

Has Wendy seen Henry? Neal talks to the former in this clip from Once Upon a Time.
Rating: 2.0 / 5.0

Once Upon a Time Season Premiere Sneak Peek

Emma meets a new foe in this clip from the Once Upon a Time Season 5 premiere. Or might she be a reluctant friend?
Rating: Unrated

Once Upon a Time Sneak Peek: A Meeting with Merida

Look out, Belle! Merida has a few words, not to mention a bow and arrow, for Belle in this clip from Once Upon a Time.
Rating: Unrated

Once Upon a Time Clip: Emma to the Rescue!

Emma comes to Hook's rescue in this clip from Once Upon a Time. Emma and a certain famous sword, that is.
Rating: Unrated

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Premiere Scene

ABC has unveiled the opening scene from the highly-anticipated Once Upon a Time Season 5 premiere. Check it out now!
Rating: Unrated

Once Upon a Time Clip - How to Trap Pan

The search for Henry is on. This is a sneak peek at the Once Upon a Time episode
Rating: Unrated

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

I've yet to see you fail and when you do succeed, well that's when the fun begins.
