Big Brother Recap: Dan and Ollie Deal

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Ah, Dan Gheesling.

Whether his intentions are as he claims they are in the Diary Room is up for debate, but that's almost the point - he's playing the game.

He's taking calculated risks. We'll have to see over the next couple weeks if they work for Big Brother's biggest question mark.

As the Head of Household dragged on, Memphis' body gave out and left Ollie and Dan, who immediately began talking deal. 

Dan, wanting to stay weak-seeming and under the radar even with a win, made a deal - he wins HoH, but Ollie can choose one nominee. He will be safe and can keep one other houseguest safe. In addition, if the PoV is used, Ollie gets to choose who goes up. Ollie agrees, giving Dan HoH.

Ollie wants to nominate Memphis. Dan is receptive, and is probably going to nominate Jerry. Dan's allies - Keesha and Memphis - assume he made a deal with Ollie, they just don't know what it was for exactly.

Memphis infers he's the one who will be nominated. Dan doesn't deny it, but he makes it clear that he isn't entirely happy about it.

Memphis Garrett is pissed, and makes it clear to Dan Gheesling that he would not, under any circumstances, nominate him if he had won HoH. Dan tells Memphis to just trust him on this one.

Dan, Keesha and Renny talk in the HoH room. Dan knows he only has to get two votes in his favor to keep Memphis around.

He brings it up to Renny, but she is steadfast that Memphis needs to be out of the house. Dan and Keesha do their best to coax her, saying that they need the strength of a four-person alliance.

In the end, Dan keeps his word to Ollie, nominating Jerry and Memphis.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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