Big Brother 10 Recap: The Tables Turn!

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We thought after the double elimination, this was a done deal.

Just when we counted Jerry MacDonald out and anointed Dan Gheesling some sort of Big Brother god, the tables turned Sunday night.

This is why Big Brother 10 has been a must-see from the start.

A healthy and generally normal 75-year-old, Jerry is still a loose cannon of sorts, though this may have nothing to do with age. He may just be wily, unpredictable and cagy enough to win this thing.

Jerry MacDonald

HoH competition time. Dan had the early lead, but Jerry came back. It wasn't perfect, but Jerry played the trivia game well enough to win.

Memphis Garrett, under the radar, is trying to position himself to get Keesha or Dan (our prohibitive favorite) to take him to the final two, if that situation comes. Memphis says he'd take Keesha to the final two over Dan.

Memphis wants to make sure that he and Dan aren't on the block together. He goes up to the HoH room and talks to Jerry.

Jerry wants to make an agreement with Memphis for the two of them to go to the final two. He tells Memphis he wants Dan on the block.

Jerry wants Memphis to agree to not use the PoV to take Dan off the block.  Jerry and Memphis make a deal. Will Memphis keep it?

Nomination time. Jerry nominates Dan and Keesha Smith. Dan, a.k.a. Judas, is his major target. Tuesday night should be quite interesting.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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