Lost Casting Calls

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Some of the best Lost spoilers are often reveal through the casting calls put out by the show.  Luckily, Ausiello has recently posted the following three casting calls for Lost:

  • "Captain Bird" - a charismatic and intelligent ex-military man in his 40s or 50s who is concerned about the safety of his crew.  The captain will appear in this season's fifteenth episode as well as the finale
  • "Young Jeff" - a ten year old with a Southern accent and a deep anger hiding his pain
  • "Doug" - a strong and authoritative Southern man in his forties who is forced to deliver bad news to his buddy

Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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Lost Quotes

Find a suitcase. If there's anything you want in this life, pack it in there, because you're never coming back.

Ben [to Jack]

Why there is a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Hurley's mom