Two and a Half Men Review: "For the Sake of the Child"

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Last night's episode of Two and a Half Men is certainly not going to win any Emmys for its unoriginal, lack-luster story last night, but that didn't stop the episode from being hilarious.

The show's strength absolutely comes from the chemistry Charlie Sheen and Emmy-Award Winning (tee hee) Jon Cryer, especially when they're bickering.  Guess what the focus of last night's episode was?

Jake Drives the Men

When Jake was too embarassed to return to the guys' place for the weekend, the two of them attempted to work out their relationship with hilarious results.  Catch up with our full recap of "For the Sake of the Child" to see how successful they were.

It's definitely not one of our favorite episodes, but as always, this show delivers the laughs.  Here's some of our favorite Two and a Half Men quotes from the episode:

Alan: It's because of you Jake doesn't want to come here anymore
Charlie: Great, tell me what I did so I can do it to you | permalink
Alan: I don't want to go to sleep angry
Charlie: Try drinking more
Alan: What will that solve?
Charlie: Sobriety | permalink
Alan: Name three things you would change about me
Charlie: Your personality, your wardrobe and your address
Alan: Thank you
Charlie: Your voice, your face and again your address
Alan: Alright, alright
Charlie: Your haircut, your fruity little workbook and your address
Alan: Just needed three
Charlie: Come on, we're healing. Your cheapness, your smug arrogance, and your address | permalink

Eric Hochberger is the programmer of TV Fanatic, so please forgive his mediocre writing. His programming is far better. Follow him on Twitter and/or email him. Just don't request threaded comments. They're coming.

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Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 5 Quotes

Charlie: Why can't you just sneak in candy like a normal cheapskate?
Alan: I'm way ahead of you, i still have these left over from last Halloween

Alan: I have to go to the bathroom
Charlie: You should have peed when made that left turn like I did