The Ghost Whisperer Review: "Blessings in Disguise"

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The last couple episode's of The Ghost Whisperer really have had great life meanings behind them. On this week's episode, Blessings in Disguise, the main lesson we learn is to not run away from our problems.

Hey! We all do it and we all kinda believe that what we don't know can't hurt us, but really nothing could be father from the truth. There are many people who think ignoring, running away, or just plain lack of care will lesson the blow, but all these things do, is make the situation worse. (for clarification: not "The Situation" type of situation)

Until we learn how to stand up to what it is we are running from - nothing in life will ever change and believe you and me, it sucks. I am a firm believer in the band-aid method. Just let it rip and deal with the consequences right after instead of letting whatever it is hang around and getting stuck in the mud.

Digging for Truth

One part of the episode that I thought was a bit freaky was when the whole family had their faces blurred out. It reminded me of a real life version of the movie Caroline and if you have never scene it - I do suggest renting it (if you are a fan of super creepy movies that won't let you sleep at night). Yes, it is supposed to be a children's movie. Still, super creepy.

Back to the storyline, we really liked the family unity throughout the episode. Although they were running away from their problems, they were running away together as a family. Ohana means family, family means that nobody gets left behind. (Got to give that one up to Lilo)

We have yet to hear anything more about the Shadows and the Shining. Not a whole lot pertained to Melinda's family this week either. Aiden just made a mini cameo in her store. But, boy can that kid draw! Am I right? Or am I right?

Next week's preview looks super crazy! A bunch of dead Melinda ghosts? What is that? Until then, we leave you with a couple of The Ghost Whisperer quotes:

Delia: Seriously Ned, how many girls are you stringing around now? | permalink

Trevor: Tell Glen he was always right about family. I can see that now. | permalink

Katie: You move to so many places so many times you don't even know who you are anymore. | permalink

Delia: Who puts Walker down with the M's?
Melinda: An upside-down person. | permalink

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The Ghost Whisperer Quotes

Delia: Did you just offer to give a ride to a ghost?
Melinda: Only because she doesn't know she's dead.

Eli: I know you're gonna say I got ahead of myself reaching out to the brother who probably killed his little sister; manslaughtered, murdered, take your pick.
Melinda: How about you start a phone call with can you talk or this a bad time?
Eli: No, I want you to pick one, seriously.